ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÜßßÜ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÞÛ ÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÛÛ ÛÛ ßÜÜß ÛÛÜÜÜÛÛ ÛÛÜÜÛÛÜ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛÜÜÜÛÛ ÛÛ ßÜÛÛ Üß ßÜß ÛÛßßßÛÛ ßßßßÛÛß ÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛßßßÛÛ ßÛÛÛÛßÜ ßÜ ÜßÜ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ßÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ßß ß Revision 11 Questions and Answers for RemoteAccess 2.x °°±±²² FRONTEND.Q&A ²²±±°° Updated on 02/04/96 By: Eric Staufer The Concession Stand FidoNet 1:374/6568 Setups for the following frontend mailers with RA: * FrontDoor Setup with RemoteAccess * D'Bridge Setup with RemoteAccess * InterMail Setup with RemoteAccess * Binkley Term with RemoteAccess and OS/2 °±²Û FrontDoor Setup with RemoteAccess Û²±° Here is The Concession Stand's batch file on how to run RemoteAccess, FrontDoor, FastEcho, and RATick. @Echo Off :START echo atm0h0d; >>Com1 cd\ra RA -m\FD\FD.EXE*M -E35 if errorlevel 150 goto SYSMAINT if errorlevel 100 goto UNPACK if errorlevel 76 goto RATICK if errorlevel 35 goto START if errorlevel 10 goto END if errorlevel 4 goto ECHO if errorlevel 3 goto NETMAIL if errorlevel 2 goto LOCAL if errorlevel 0 goto START goto END :SYSMAINT echo atm0h1 >>Com1 cd\ra rauser -S -P goto START :UNPACK if exist c:\fd\file\*.SU* goto TOSSIT if exist c:\fd\file\*.MO* goto TOSSIT if exist c:\fd\file\*.TU* goto TOSSIT if exist c:\fd\file\*.WE* goto TOSSIT if exist c:\fd\file\*.TH* goto TOSSIT if exist c:\fd\file\*.FR* goto TOSSIT if exist c:\fd\file\*.SA* goto TOSSIT if exist c:\fd\file\*.tic goto RATICK goto START :TOSSIT echo atm0h1 >>Com1 cd\fd\fastecho fastecho toss cd\ra ramsg link -clean -hudson ramsg pack -purge -delete -recover -renumber -overwrite -link if exist c:\fd\file\*.tic goto RATICK echo atm0h0d; >>com1 goto START :RATICK cd\ra\ratick ratick cd\fd goto START :ECHO cd\fd\fastecho fastecho scan cd\fd goto START :LOCAL Echo ATM0H1 >>com1 RA -L -E35 Echo atm0h0d; >>Com1 goto START :NETMAIL cd\fd\fastecho fastecho scan cd\fd goto START :END Echo: Echo: Calling up BBS in 5 seconds, press CTRL-C to abort. Echo: wait 5 bbs here is Stu Grant's Multinode Batch file for FrontDoor, RemoteAccess, and FMail. -=- The easiest setup to get to the shell to mailer mode is -=- RA -m\fd\fd.exe*m -E20 -*- This calls up RemoteAccess and tells it to shell to FrontDoor to wait for the caller, swapping memory and exits at the errorlevel of 20. Make sure that your Errorlevels match up with FDSETUP and the RACONFIG. -*- Batch file to run 1 node, with maintenance for some programs. @echo off :: echo on (for debug) cls :: :: The Hole BBS (Node 1) :: Written by Sysop: Stu Grant :: :: The BAT files to run Node 2 and the Local Node are very simple and :: incorporate only the first part of this one. Node 2 needs only to :: exit with an errorlevel at Midnight and check for the MAINT.FLG and :: then loop until this one is finished running Maint (see midnight). :: :: Here it is! :: :: ---- This sets up the Multiline Chat Door ----- cd\ra\doors\chat cmsetup /R :: ----- Fire up the Fossil for a DV Window ---- :: c:\ra\bnu.com /f+ /m- /l0:19200 :: ---- Let's Start The BBS (Node 1) ---- :start c: cls echo ath0 >com1 echo Firing up The Hole Node 1 .... :: ---- Let's set the environments cd\ra\line1 set ra=c:\ra set fd=c:\fd set dszlog=c:\ra\dsz.log set dszport=0 :: ---- Condition checks and actions ---- cd c:\fd\file if exist c:\ra\line1\dsz.log del \ra\line1\dsz.log if exist c:\fd\file\*.tic del *.tic if exist nodediff.* goto newnode if exist bre804.* goto bre if exist rushnet.* goto rush if exist c:\fd\file\update.ffs goto update if exist c:\ra\working\*.dat del c:\ra\working\*.dat :: ---- Fire up RA and Shell to FrontEnd Mailer ---- cd \ra\line1 ra -m\fd\fd.exe*m -e20 :: ---- Errorlevels to trap for action ----- if errorlevel 93 goto midnight if errorlevel 38 goto unpackmail if errorlevel 20 goto start if errorlevel 15 goto reboot if errorlevel 10 goto out if errorlevel 5 goto both if errorlevel 4 goto echo if errorlevel 3 goto net if errorlevel 2 goto restart_ra if errorlevel 1 goto start if errorlevel O goto start :: ---- Next Line in case an errorlevel was missed ----- goto start :: ---- Log back on after type 15 with errorlevel, See docs! ---- :restart_ra echo ath0 >com1 c: cd \ra\line1 ra -r -g -e20 if errorlevel 93 goto midnight if errorlevel 38 goto unpackmail if errorlevel 20 goto start if errorlevel 15 goto reboot if errorlevel 10 goto out if errorlevel 5 goto both if errorlevel 4 goto echo if errorlevel 3 goto net if errorlevel 1 goto start if errorlevel O goto start goto start :: ---- Scan for Mail after Logoff if EchoMail entered ---- :echo echo ath1 >com1 fmail scan goto start :: ---- Scan for Mail after Logoff if Echo AND NetMail entered ---- :both echo ath1 >com1 fmail scan goto start :: ---- Export NetMail to folder after logoff ---- :net echo ath1 >com1 cd \ra mbutil export goto start :: ---- This handles updates for FFS ---- :update echo ath1 >com1 if exist update.* pkunzip -o update.* c:\ra\doors\findfile if exist update.* del update.* goto start :: ---- Unpack and Toss incomming Mail packets ---- :unpackmail echo ath1 >com1 cd c:\fd\fmail fmail toss import goto start :: ---- Process the various Nodediffs when received ---- :newnode echo ath1 >com1 cd c:\fd\file copy nodediff.* c:\fd\fido pkunpak -r nodediff.* c:\fd\nodelist del c:\fd\file\nodediff.* goto start :bre echo ath1 >com1 cd\fd\file copy bre804.* c:\fd\fido pkunpak -r bre804.* c:\fd\nodelist del C:\fd\file\bre804.* goto start :rush echo ath1 >com1 cd\fd\file copy rushnet.* c:\fd\fido pkunpak -r rushnet.* c:\fd\nodelist del c:\fd\file\rushnet.* goto start :: :: ---- This attempts to handle INIT failures by FrontDoor ---- :: ---- Since I run under OS/2 I must attempt to re-init ---- :: ---- the modem. Under DOS or DV I would run a COLD BOOT --- :: ---- program. Such as REBOOT.EXE :: :reboot cls echo System Attempting to Re-initialize the Modem..... echo ATH0 >COM1 delay 10 echo ATH1 >COM1 delay 10 echo ATH0 >COM1 delay 10 echo ATH1 >COM1 delay 60 echo ATH0 >COM1 goto start :: ---- Exit to DOS (Only for FORCED Errorlevels!) ---- :: ---- This is an exit and The BBS is DOWN!! ---- :out cd \fd echo ath1 >com1 echo atm0 >com1 goto end :: ---- Let's start the Midnight Maintenance ---- :midnight echo ath1 >com1 cls :: ---- I like noise ---- beep 440 4 587 2 1040 6 beep 440 4 587 2 1040 6 beep 440 4 587 2 1040 6 :: ---- This must run PRIOR to Midnight ---- c: cd\ra\doors\racall addtoday.exe c:\ra cd\fd\file if exist *.lzh del *.lzh if exist *.tic del *.tic :: :: ---- Set flag for Node 2 to stay down during Maint ---- :: ---- Set flag to check that Node 2 is down ---- :: ---- Also set flags to FORCE Node 2 down ---- :: cls cd\ra echo >maint.flg echo >check.flg echo >raxit2.65 :: :: ---- Node 2 Must be down to continue ---- :: :: ---- What follows is The Hole Nightly Maintenance ---- :: ---- this would be unique for every BBS but this ---- :: ---- has some nice examples in it for RA Utilities --- :: :maint cls echo Waiting on Node 2 to go down ..... if exist c:\ra\check.flg goto maint cls echo Node 2 is down, Let's Rock & Roll...... delay 2 cd\ra\line1 ramsg link -clean -hudson ramsg pack -overwrite -renumber -purge -delete -recover -link rauser -s -p -m20 -d60 rafile clean g2 /km rafile compress g2 rafile sort g2 cd\ra dstat /g cd\ra\raman raman raman.cfg del *.log cd\cdrom rafile filelist geofile.doc /bcomment.asc @area1.lst rafile filelist thehole.doc /bcomment.asc @area.lst move c:\cdrom\*.doc e:\files\misc del *.log e: cd\files\misc pkzip -f -o allfiles.zip thehole.doc pkzip -f -o geofiles.zip geofile.doc rafile update allfiles.zip 20 touchmod rafile update geofiles.zip 20 touchmod rafile update newfiles.zip 20 touchmod del *.doc del *.log c: cd\ra\doors if exist *.log del *.log if exist *.trn del *.trn rmu cd\ra\doors\uv mdaily cd\ra\doors\fishing fishmant if exist *.log del *.log cd\ra\tradewar if exist inuse.flg del inuse.flg extern if exist *.log del *.log cd\ra\doors\isa isapack /u isa /f isa /m isapack /p isa /p 60 isaclean if exist *.log del *.log cd\ra\doors\bre if exist inuse.flg del inuse.flg bre inbound bre recon bre planetary if exist inuse.flg del inuse.flg if exist log.txt del log.txt cd\ra\doors\bre2 if exist inuse.flg del inuse.flg bre inbound bre planetary brscores if exist *.log del *.log if exist log.txt del log.txt cd\ra\doors\race pitmast if exist *.log del *.log cd\fd\fmail if exist *.log del *.log cd\ra\line3 if exist *.log del *.log cd\fd\nodelist if exist c:\fd\nodelist\nodediff.* goto merge cd\ra del maint.flg del raxit2.65 cd\fd del fdxit.65 cd\ra\line1 cls beep 440 4 587 2 1040 6 beep 440 4 587 2 1040 6 beep 440 4 587 2 1040 6 goto start :: ---- Merge the Nodelists while Node 2 is down ---- :: ---- If there was no Node 2 this could be done --- :: ---- when NODEDIFF is processed (see NEWNODE) ---- :merge sysnl merge nodelist nodediff c cd c:\fd fdnc /f del c:\fd\file\nodediff.* cd \ra ranode fdnet.pvt del maint.flg del raxit2.65 cd\fd del fdxit.65 cd\ra\line1 cls beep 440 4 587 2 1040 6 beep 440 4 587 2 1040 6 beep 440 4 587 2 1040 6 goto start :: --- And if ALL Else fails ---- :end echo The Hole Line 1 is now down! exit How to run Node 2 with RemoteAccess used with above Batch file. @echo off rem echo on cls :: :: The Hole BBS (Node 2) :: Written by Sysop: Stu Grant :: :: This BAT file is VERY similar to the Node 1 BAT file EXCEPT that it :: runs NO maintenance and instead waits for Node 1 to finish it's job :: before resuming. The process of taking down both Nodes (and making :: SURE they are down) is quite easy (see the section on WAIT). :: :: Here it is! :: :: ---- Let's Start The BBS (Node 2) ---- :: ---- Fire up the Fossil for a DV Window ----- :: c:\ra\bnu.com /f+ /m- :start c: echo ath0 >com2 cls echo Firing up The Hole (Node 2) ..... :: ---- Let's set the environments cd \ra\line2 set ra=c:\ra set dszlog=c:\ra\dsz.log set dszport=1 :: ---- Condition checks and actions ---- cd c:\fd\file if exist c:\ra\line2\dsz.log del \ra\line2\dsz.log if exist c:\fd\file\*.tic del *.tic :: ---- Special program to put Last BBS caller on FD screen ---- :: :: cd\ra\line2 :: ra2fd -rc:\ra\lastcall.bbs -fc:\fd\lastcall.fd -a1:275/72 -t :: :: ---- Fire up RA and Shell to FrontEnd Mailer ---- cd\ra\line2 ra -n2 -m\fd\fd.exe*m -e20 :: ---- Errorlevels to trap for action ---- if errorlevel 65 goto wait if errorlevel 38 goto unpackmail if errorlevel 20 goto start if errorlevel 15 goto reboot if errorlevel 10 goto out if errorlevel 5 goto both if errorlevel 4 goto echo if errorlevel 3 goto net if errorlevel 2 goto restart_ra if errorlevel 1 goto start if errorlevel O goto start :: ---- Next Line in case an errorlevel was missed ----- goto start :: ---- Log back on after type 15 with errorlevel, See docs! ---- :restart_ra echo ath0 >com2 c: cd \ra\line2 ra -r -g -e20 if errorlevel 65 goto wait if errorlevel 38 goto unpackmail if errorlevel 20 goto start if errorlevel 15 goto reboot if errorlevel 10 goto out if errorlevel 5 goto both if errorlevel 4 goto echo if errorlevel 3 goto net if errorlevel 1 goto start if errorlevel O goto start goto start :: ---- Scan for Mail after Logoff if message base changed ---- :echo echo ath1 >com2 fmail scan goto start :: ---- Scan for Mail after Logoff if message base OR folder has changed ---- :both echo ath1 >com2 fmail scan goto start :: ---- Export NetMail to folder ---- :net echo ath1 >com2 cd \ra mbutil export goto start :: ---- Unpack and Toss incomming Mail packets ---- :unpackmail echo ath1 >com2 cd c:\fd\fmail fmail toss import goto start :: ---- This attempts to handle INIT failures by FrontDoor ---- :: ---- Since I run under OS/2 I must attempt to re-init ---- :: ---- the modem. Under DOS or DV I would run a COLD BOOT --- :: ---- program. Such as REBOOT.EXE :reboot echo ath0 >com2 delay 10 echo ath1 >com2 delay 10 echo ath0 >com2 delay 10 echo ath1 >com2 delay 60 echo ath0 >com2 goto start :: ---- Exit to DOS (Only for FORCED Errorlevels!) ---- :: ---- This is an exit and The BBS is DOWN!! ---- :out cd \fd echo ath1 >com2 echo atm0 >com2 goto end :: ---- Node 2 must be down while Node 1 runs Maint AND :: ---- Node 1 will NOT begin until CHECK.FLG is deleted AND :: ---- Node 2 will NOT come back up until MAINT.FLG is deleted. :: ---- Node 2 should be taken down by an EVENT but we will :: ---- have Node 1 force it down with RAXITn.e just in case. :wait cls echo ath1 >com2 echo The Hole Node 2 is going down..... delay 5 cd\ra if exist c:\ra\check.flg del c:\ra\check.flg :: now Node 1 can take off.... :: ---- If the above condition was NOT met then Node 1 is NOT ---- :: ---- down then Node 2 would simply fire back up, This is not--- :: ---- a problem as Node 1 will force Node 2 down when it goes -- :: ---- down. This MAY occur due to a quirk in the timing of --- :: ---- the events. (That is why we have the force option :) :: :: ---- Once CHECK.FLG is deleted Node 1 can do its thing and ---- :: ---- Node 2 enters a wait (loop) per below ---- :loop cls echo Node 1 is doing its Maintenance thing, gotta wait dude.... if exist c:\ra\maint.flg goto loop goto start :: ---- And if all else fails ---- :end echo The Hole BBS is down on Node 2 ! exit How to run a local 3rd node with RemoteAccess. @echo off :: :: ---- The Hole BBS (Local Node 3) ---- :: ---- Written by Sysop: Stu Grant ---- :: :: :: ---- This is the BAT file that runs The Hole Local Node ---- :: ---- The only function besides the board is the scan for --- :: ---- mail at logoff and of course this Node shuts down ----- :: :start c: echo Firing up Stu's private line ..... cd \ra\line3 set dszlog=c:\ra\dsz.log set ra=c:\ra set fd=c:\fd if exist c:\ra\dsz.log del \ra\dsz.log ra -l -n3 -e20 if errorlevel 20 goto out if errorlevel 10 goto out if errorlevel 5 goto echo if errorlevel 4 goto both if errorlevel 3 goto net if errorlevel O goto out goto start :echo fmail scan goto out :both fmail scan goto out :net cd \ra mbutil export goto out :out echo Later days Stu ....... delay 3 exit °±²Û D'Bridge Setup with RemoteAccess Û²±° Here's how I do NetMail with RA and D'Bridge =only=... no other tossers or utilities needed... With this method I can write NetMail in RA =or= in DB's Editor: Here's a way to do NetMail with RA and D'Bridge 1.5x =only=... no other tossers or utilities needed. With this method you can write NetMail in RA =or= in DB's Editor: 1. Call EXEBBS.BAT from your DOS AUTOEXEC.BAT, i.e. C:\RA\EXEBBS.BAT 2. The following is an edited (to save space) EXEBBS.BAT: :START CD\RA RA -P -M\DB\DB.EXE*M If Errorlevel 10 goto EXIT If Errorlevel 5 goto NET_ECHO If Errorlevel 4 goto ECHO_ONLY If Errorlevel 3 goto NET_ONLY If Errorlevel 2 goto EXIT Goto AFTER_2 :NET_ECHO ECHO > C:\DB\DBRIDGE.RSN ECHO > C:\DB\DBRIDGE.RSE goto AFTER_2 :ECHO_ONLY ECHO > C:\DB\DBRIDGE.RSE goto AFTER_2 :NET_ONLY ECHO > C:\DB\DBRIDGE.RSN goto AFTER_2 :AFTER_2 Goto START :EXIT 3. In D'Bridge create a NetMail echomail area (#14 for example here) and use the QuickBBS format. D'Bridge will automatically create a #0 NetMail area. Go to DBee's EDITOR>ECHOmail areas>LOCAL/ECHOMAIL area manager> Area # 14 Storage: QuickBBS QuickBBS area: 14 Area type: Echomail Quick directory path: C:\RA\MSGBASE\ 4. Go to D'Bridge CONFIG>Directory paths> Network mail storage: QuickBBS QuickBBS area number: 14 5. Go to D'Bridge CONFIG>Packet/Mail control> Inbound mail handling? Automatic 6. Go to D'Bridge ADVANCED>BBS configuration> DOS commands for BBS: echo EXEBBS *P *B *T *C > C:\RA\DOBBS.BAT XU Fifo:15 Port:0:On Lock:0:38400:8N1 *X (The above example uses Ray Gwinn's X00150 fossil to lock com ports) 7. Make sure your RA NetMail Message Area number and the DB NetMail Message Area number are the same and that in RACONFIG>Manager>Msg areas> you set =Type= to NetMail. This should be a good starting point and gives a pretty good idea how well RA and DBee can work together. °±²Û InterMail setup with RemoteAccess Û²±° Rem My Ra Runtime Batch File for (Line_1) 5-Apr-94 @Echo Off :Start If exist C:\Qmx1\*.pkt copy C:\Qmx1\*.pkt C:\IM1\Secure If exist C:\Qmx1\*.pkt Dstamp C:\IM1\Sema\Imexit02.108 If exist C:\Qmx1\*.pkt Del C:\Qmx1\*.pkt If exist C:\Ra\Useron.bbs Del C:\Ra\Useron.bbs CD\IM1\Mail Echo Y|Zerokill %1 C: Cd\Ra\Line1 Cd\IM1 IM /#1 /NOEMS If Errorlevel 249 Goto HMB_Purge If Errorlevel 110 Goto Maintenance If Errorlevel 108 Goto Unpackmail If Errorlevel 107 Goto Monthly If Errorlevel 105 Goto Net&Echo If Errorlevel 100 Goto Nodediff If Errorlevel 50 Goto 28800_Baud If Errorlevel 49 Goto 26400_Baud If Errorlevel 48 Goto 24000_Baud If Errorlevel 47 Goto 21600_Baud If Errorlevel 46 Goto 19200_Baud If Errorlevel 45 Goto 16800_Baud If Errorlevel 44 Goto 14400_Baud If Errorlevel 43 Goto 9600_Baud If Errorlevel 42 Goto 2400_Baud If Errorlevel 41 Goto 1200_Baud If Errorlevel 40 Goto 300_Baud If Errorlevel 32 Goto Local If Errorlevel 10 Goto End If Errorlevel 8 Goto IM_Already :28800_Baud Cd\Ra\Line1 Wait 10 C:\Ra\Ra.exe -B28800 -N1 -E20 -NOEMS Goto After_BBS :26400_Baud Cd\Ra\Line1 Wait 10 C:\Ra\Ra.exe -B26400 -N1 -E20 -NOEMS Goto After_BBS :24000_Baud Cd\Ra\Line1 Wait 10 C:\Ra\Ra.exe -B24000 -N1 -E20 -NOEMS Goto After_BBS :21600_Baud Cd\Ra\Line1 Wait 10 C:\Ra\Ra.exe -B21600 -N1 -E20 -NOEMS Goto After_BBS :19200_Baud Cd\Ra\Line1 Wait 10 C:\Ra\Ra.exe -B19200 -N1 -E20 -NOEMS Goto After_BBS :16800_Baud Cd\Ra\Line1 Wait 10 C:\Ra\Ra.exe -B16800 -N1 -E20 -NOEMS Goto After_BBS :14400_Baud Cd\Ra\Line1 Wait 10 C:\Ra\Ra.exe -B14400 -N1 -E20 -NOEMS Goto After_BBS :9600_Baud Cd\Ra\Line1 Wait 10 C:\Ra\Ra.exe -B9600 -N1 -E20 -NOEMS Goto After_BBS :2400_Baud Cd\Ra\Line1 Wait 10 C:\Ra\Ra.exe -B2400 -N1 -E20 -NOEMS Goto After_BBS :1200_Baud Cd\Ra\Line1 Wait 10 C:\Ra\Ra.exe -B1200 -N1 -E20 -NOEMS Goto After_BBS :300_Baud Cd\Ra\Line1 Wait 10 C:\Ra\Ra.exe -B300 -N1 -E20 -NOEMS Goto After_BBS :Local Echo ATH1M0 >COM1 Cd\Ra\Line1 C:\Ra\Ra.exe -L -N1 -E20 -NOEMS Cd\IM1 Goto Net&Echo :After_BBS Cd\Ra Copy C:\Ra\Line1\Ra.log+C:\Ra\Line2\Ra.log C:\Ra\Both.log Download Upload Del C:\Ra\Both.log If Errorlevel 20 Goto Start If Errorlevel 5 Goto Net&Echo If Errorlevel 4 Goto Echo If Errorlevel 3 Goto Net Goto Start :Unpackmail Dstamp C:\IM1\Sema\Imexit02.108 Goto Start :Net&Echo CD\IM2 Echo ATH1M0 >COM1 Dstamp C:\IM1\Sema\Imexit02.105 Goto Start :Echo CD\IM2 Echo ATH1M0 >COM1 Dstamp C:\IM1\Sema\Imexit02.105 Goto Start :Net CD\IM2 Echo ATH1M0 >COM1 Dstamp C:\IM1\Sema\Imexit02.105 Goto Start :Restart Ra -R -E0 -N1 -NOEMS Cd\IM1 Goto Start :IM_Already Exit :End °±²Û How to Setup BinkleyTerm and RemoteAccess using OS/2 Û²±° How to run an OS/2 Mailer with a DOS BBS Program ------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer ---------- Standard, but required. This textfile is meant for advice only, and the author is not responsible for any damages that occur through the use of this document. If what you have now is in one piece, and using this textfile leaves you with two broken pieces, I suggest you go out and buy an economy size tube of KrazyGlue 8-) Notes ----- In this document, when I have listed lines from my configuration files, each line is preceded by a '>' character. Do not type this in, it's just to show that this is a file line, not part of my babbling 8-) Now, on to the Good Stuff ------------------------- What will this textfile allow you to do ? Specifically, coach you in setting up BinkleyTerm v2.50EE with RemoteAccess v2.01. Hopefully, the idea will be usable with any OS/2 Mailer (or Comm program for that matter) and DOS BBS. My configuration (i.e. what I _know_ it works with) - BinkleyTerm/2 v2.50EE - RemoteAccess v2.01 - SIO (SIO, VSIO, VX00) v1.20 - 4OS2-32 v1.11 How to do it ------------ The important thing to do is remove protection from the port you will be using. OS/2 built in protection is what comes up and says "Sharing violation on COMx". SIO allows you to remove protection for a port (although it's not documented). I checked with Ray Gwinn that it was alright to document it here, so this is how : In CONFIG.SYS, put a dash (-) in the 5th position of the comm port parameters. If you are not using the 4th parameter, put an extra comma to space it out correctly. For example, my setup using COM2 locked at 38400 without protection is : > DEVICE=C:\OS2\EXTRAS\SIO.SYS (COM2:38400,,,-) Load VX00.SYS as usual after this. This is all that's required for CONFIG.SYS Now, in Binkley.Cfg, I use BBSSpawn. My SPAWNBBS.CMD contains this : > echo EXEBBS %2 2 %4 %5 > D:\RA\DOBBS.BAT > start "RemoteAccess" /FG /FS /WAIT /DOS=C:\OS2\4DOS\RA.INI D:\RA\DOBBS.BAT You'll notice that this echoes the parameters %BPS% %PORT% %EVENT TIME% %EXTENDED CONNECT% into my \RA\DOBBS.BAT file. I'm a recent FrontDoor convert, and using this produces a DOBBS.BAT that is compatible with FD's. Also, notice that I am forcing port 2 into the batch file. This is because BT passes the Port Handle that OS/2 assigns, which is not the physical port number. If you are running singleline, just force the port as I have. If not, use a %PORT environment variable to do the same task. You'll notice I'm using 4OS2 in the above example. The reason is that 4OS2-32 (not the 16 bit version) allows you to start a DOS session with a specific set of settings, similar to the way you set up an object's DOS settings on the workplace shell. The file C:\OS2\4DOS\RA.INI contains the following : > DOS_SHELL=C:\OS2\4DOS\4DOS.COM C:\OS2\4DOS @C:\OS2\4DOS\4DOSRA.INI > DOS_DEVICE=C:\OS2\EXTRAS\VX00.SYS > DOS_AUTOEXEC=C:\OS2\4DOS\BBSSTART.BAT > SIO_ALLOW_ACCESS_COM2=1 > EMS_MEMORY_LIMIT=2048 > XMS_MEMORY_LIMIT=2048 > INT_DURING_IO=1 This allows me to load VX00.SYS when the DOS session is spawned from the Binkley window. The /WAIT switch on the command line makes the session wait until the DOS session closes to restart Binkley. This eliminates the need to use semaphores as detailed in the MAGIC package that has been available for some time. If you don't want or can't use 4OS2-32, you can try using HSTART or STARTD, both of which allow you to start a DOS session with specific DOS sessions. Individual results may vary. I think we need a subtitle here... ---------------------------------- The thing that has caused me (and other people) problems in the past is with regard to SIO. I don't fully understand it, but I'll try to put it as best I can. SIO has some part of it to handle the communication with DOS sessions. This part is not initialized when SIO loads, presumably to reduce overhead on systems not using DOS communications. The part is initialized the first time that VX00.SYS is loaded. The problem is that if there is a carrier present when this part is woken up, something happens. The DOS app can send data out the port, but nothing can travel inbound. The solution to this problem has been provided by Ray Gwinn, author of SIO. I have spoken with him regarding this, and I'm not sure if my report helped him track down the cause of the problem, but the following excerpt from SIO v1.21k's READ.ME file explains : The method in which the SIO_Mode setting are implemented has been changed. These settings specify only the initial mode settings to use for a DOS session. Changes made to the mode (via a MODE or other command) within the DOS session are no longer lost. The SIO_Mode settings isolate the DOS VDM's mode from that of OS/2 sessions in all but one case. The one case is when the port is already opened when DOS first accesses it. In this one case, the SIO_Mode settings are not applied. Except for this one case, one should view OS/2 as having its mode settings and DOS sessions as having an independent group of mode settings. As you can see, the problem lied in SIO trying to apply the specified Mode settings to an opened port. You need SIO v1.21k or higher (a beta version, it is currently available as SIOBETA, but there may well be a release version implementing the same fix by the time you read this) to perform this little trick. Other Versions of Programs -------------------------- I am pretty sure that this will work using Standard BinkleyTerm/2, but I haven't yet tried. As long as your DOS BBS program runs well in a straight all DOS combination under OS/2, it should work under this method. For SIO, older versions than v1.20 should work, but newer versions (usually) provide better performance. Th-Th-Th-That's All Folks! -------------------------- Well, that's how it's done. It works here for me, and I hope this will allow people to do the same. For further information, contact me via netmail at one of the following addresses : 1:250/301 @ fidonet 18:105/301 @ zyxelnet 40:6482/301 @ ibmnet 81:416/236 @ nanet File Request Names ------------------ BinkleyTerm - BTOS2_258.ARJ for BinkleyTerm/2 v2.58 wide beta. Michael Buenter has asked that BT Extended not be distributed, so I don't have it available. BT/2 v2.58 has folded in a lot of Michael's code though, so you may be pleasantly surprised. SIO - SIO120.ARJ for the latest version as of this writing. SIO*.* should get you just the latest version, as I keep only the latest online (exception: a beta archive may be out without documentation files, so I might have two) 4OS2/32 - 4OS232.ARJ for the latest version (v1.11 as of this writing). v2.00 has been announced, but isn't yet shipping. Thanks ------ Thanks to Matthew Stein (1:250/701) for getting me involved with OS/2. Without his help I probably never would have switched. No Thanks to Matthew Stein (1:250/701) for telling me that every time I had a problem, it was "the fault of that stupid DOS BBS and you should just switch to Max/2 anyway" 8-) And a word of closing --------------------- Regarding SIO - if there is one program you're going to register for your OS/2 BBS system, make it this one. Take a minute to think where we'd be without Ray Gwinn and SIO. Can you say "CRC Error" ? Knew you could. Ray gave us X00 without charge, and now he's asking what I consider a paltry sum for SIO/VSIO/VX00 ($25 US). If you want Ray to continue to improve this fine driver, we have to show support for him. Thank you. James FitzGibbon 1:250/301@fidonet.org °°±±²² FRONTEND.Q&A ²²±±°° Total Lines: 1172 Total Size: 28k