ۻ ۻ ۻ ۻ ۻ ۻ ۻ ۻ ۻ ۺ ۺ ۻ ۺ ۻ ۺ ۺ ۻ ۺ ۺ ۻ ۺ ۺ ۺ ۺ ۺۺ ۺ ۺ ͼ ۺɼۺ ۺ ۺ ۺ ɼۺ ۺ ۺ ۺ ۺ ͼ ۺ ۺ ۺ ۺ ۻ ɼ ۺ ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ Reminds me of a joke about two Mexicans, sitting against a wall. Pedro: Hey, Manuel, ees my zeep open Manuel: Manuel: Manuel: Confucius say: Secretary not part of furniture till screwed on desk. Right, an' what is the difference between a blonde and a Mercedes emblem? One gets screwed on the bonnet, an' the other is a car emblem! DB> -= Actuaries do it with assurance =- DB> So what! Auditors do it with internal control!!! Yeah. An' Assassins do it from behind! ... Itsdifficulttobeverycreativewithonlyfiftysevencharacters. Two balloons were floating in the desert. One said to the other : "Watch out! A cactussssssssssss... " The other replied : "Oh fffffffffff... " What did the cannibal do after he dumped his girlfriend ? He wiped his ass ! Moses comes down from the mountain, carrying the tablets of the Ten Commandments. He speaks to the people: "Folks, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I've talked Him down to only ten commandments! The bad news is that adultery is still one of them." God goes to a Roman and says: "Do you want a commandment?" "Give me an example," says the Roman. "You shall not kill" "Never." God goes to an Arab" "Do you want a commandment?" "Give me an example." "You shall not commit adultery." "I have five wives...never." God goes to Moses." "Do you want a commandment?" "How much do they cost?" "Nothing." "Give me ten." The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was: > Oracle most wise, > > I have three cats. Two speak normally and say 'miaow', > but the third, still a kitten, says 'miaowmaiow'. > Why is this? And in response, thus spake the Oracle: } Cat translation dictionary } Volume I -- Common phrases } } compiled by T. U. Oracle } } Cat phrase Means } ========== ===== } miaow Feed me. } } meeow Pet me. } } mrooww I love you. } } Miioo-oo-oo I am in love and must meet my } betrothed outside beneath the hedge. } Don't wait up. } } mrow I feel like making noise. } } rrrow-mawww Please, the time is come to tidy } the cat box. } } rrrow-miawww I have remedied the cat box untidiness } by shoveling the contents as far out } of the box as was practical. } } miaowmiaow Play with me. } } Miaowmioaw Have you noticed the shortage of } available cat toys in this room? } } mioawmioaw Since I can find nothing better to } play with, I shall see what happens } when I sharpen my claws on this } handy piece of furniture. } } raowwwww I think I shall now spend time } licking the most private parts } of my anatomy. } } mrowwwww I am now recalling, with } sorrow, that some of my private } parts did not return with me } from that visit to the vet. } } Roww-maww-roww I am so glad to see that you have } returned home with both arms full } of groceries. I will now rub myself } against your legs and attempt to } trip you as you walk towards the } kitchen. } } gakk-ak-ak My digestive passages seem to have } formed a hairball. Wherever could } this have come from? I shall leave } it here upon the carpeting. } } mow Snuggling is a good idea. } } moww Shedding is pretty good, too. } } mowww! I was enjoying snuggling and shedding } in the warm clean laundry until you } removed me so unkindly. } } Miaow! Miaow! I have discovered that, although one } may be able to wedge his body through } the gap behind the stove and into that } little drawer filled with pots and pans, } the reverse path is slightly more } difficult to navigate. } } Mraakk! Oh, small bird! Please come over here. } } ssssRoww! I believe that I have found a } woodchuck or similar animal. } } mmmrowmmm It is certain that the best tasting } fish is one you have caught yourself. } } mmmmmmm If I sit in the sunshine for another } hour or so, I think I shall be } satisfied. } } Mreoaw Please ask room service to send up } another can of tunafish. } } Mreeeow Do you serve catnip with that? } } mroow I have forced my body into a tiny } space in order to look cute. } How'm I doin? } } Miaooww! Mriaow! Since you are using the can opener, } I am certain that you understand the } value of a well-fed and pampered } cat. Please continue. } } As you can see, it may take years of practice to be able to accurately } distinguish some of these forms. } Two things to do with cats: The cat and toast generator. Materials needed: 1. 1 Cat. 2. 1 Piece of buttered toast. 3. 1 Expensive carpet. 4. A pole. 5. String. 6. Generator. Method: 1. Tie buttered toast to back of cat. 2. Insert pole between cat and toast. 3. Suspend above expensive carpet. 4. Connect to generator. Cat will try to land on feet, toast on carpet. The whole will start spinning and generate electricity. Note: In some countries, the pole might have to give his consent before you can use him. It works better on someone else's carpet. I accept no responsibility for any injuries received in rigging this apparatus. Any suggestions to improve the design are welcomed. I was channel surfing the other night when I came across this guy on QVC giving a demo of Windows on a ThinkPad 500. After a few choice comments from the slick salesman, I started taking notes. (I didn't want to divert my attention long enough to find a tape...) He started out by explaining that icons were like glimpses of what was behind them, and proceeded to show the Accessories "menu." He talked about how wonderful this deal was since the machine came with so much preloaded software, and then gave a brief description of each icon in Accessories. First there was "A-Write" the "word processing package" (I think he called it "A-Write" because the icon for Write has a fountain pen drawing an A...) Then there was Paintbrush, which allows you to "do your 3D work" he said. "For example, if you were designing a house, you could keep all the floor plans and layouts in here." Next was Terminal, "which lets you uhhh, uhhhh, add another uhh, terminal to your computer." He fumbled a little more and skipped Notepad, presumably because he couldn't make up anything good to say just after describing "A-Write." Next: "It has this Recorder, which helps you be a little like Steven Spielberg...it interfaces directly with your VHS cassetes." While pointing at the next icon he proudly announced that the machine even came with a built-in Clock. There was Calculator, which of course "manages your finances." He mentioned some of the "executive" features, like Calendar and Cardfile. He pretty much gave up at Object Packager, but saved the moment by kicking into a demo of the "word processing package" because "If you're like me, that's where your family will spend most of it's time." In his "A-Write" demo, he drooled about how versatile the software was. (somehow the common font picker dialog just didn't convince me to pick up the phone and order a ThinkPad) As proof of how useful the "word processing package" was, he "printed in" a sentence: "Dean shows hot computers on qvc." Then "Oh jeez!" he exclaimed, "It's been a long day folks, I mispelled my own first name!" (Dan) He proceeded to hit the backspace key 31 TIMES, leaving only the 'D'. He started retyping the rest of the sentence, but gave up midway and moved on. "Let me tell you something: This thing will really change your life!" He started babbling about "executive" features again and fired up the cardfile "database system." It kinda took the punch out when the camera zoomed back in and you saw that there were three dessert recipes on the screen. The stupidity went on, but mostly on other bundled things like "C-Mail" (I think he meant Lotus Cc:Mail) and some IBM antivirus utilities. An interesting note: In one screen shot it was evident that IBM had replaced the MS-DOS icon with a PC-DOS icon that looks almost identical to the OS/2 logo. Later on, while showing off the manuals, he held up the clearly labelled "IBM PC-DOS" book and said "...you get an MS-DOS manual..." HYMN TO MICHAEL JACKSON I fucked the ass of Bubbles And got him into trouble I sucked the twat of Liz And sprayed her face with jizz I gulp down evil shit As if it were a feast I gulp down small boys' cum Just like a Cath'lic priest! : Q: What colour were Kurt Cobain's eyes? : A: "BLUE". (One "blew" this way <- and the other "blew" that way ->) Objoke: No truth in the rumour that Courtney Love is re-recording 'Hole lotta love' or 'Heartshaped Blot' ... weak but what the hell ... it's late here ... BOOKS NEVER WRITTEN: SBC> "Spot on the Wall" by Hu Flung Poo SBC> "Rusty Bedsprings" by I.P. Nightly SBC> "The Joy of Sex" by E.Z. Sales SBC> "Overpopulation in China" by WEE FUCKUM YUNG : "Hawaiian Love Story" by Kim Oniwanalaya "50 Yards to the Outhouse" by Willy Makitt "Yellow River" by I. P. Freely "Lesbianism in Ancient and Modern China" by Tu-Kan Chu (and incidentially I always heard the Hu Flung Pu one as "Brown Spots On Wall"... :) : Q: What did Helen Keller's parents do when they caught her swearing? : A: Washed her hands with soap and water. : Q: How does HK drive? : A: One hand on the wheel, one hand on the road. : Q: Did you hear about the book HK wrote? : A: "Around the block in 80 days". : Q: What did HK say when she fell off the cliff? : A: UUUGHHHYYYYIIIIAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Q: Why did HK's son run away? A: You would too if your name was UGGYHHHUHHGGU. HK fell in a hole and screamed her hands off. Q: Why does HK play the piano using only one hand? A: She sings with the other. V2: (some tell it about masturbating & moaning). Q: Why can't HK drive? A: Because she's a woman. : A Minister, a Priest and A Rabbi were discussing how they divided up the : collection money every week. : The Priest said "I draw a circle on the floor, then I throw the money up : in the air. Whatever falls outside the circle goes to God, the money : inside the circle is for me!" : The Minister said "Well, I use a similar method. I also draw a circle on : the ground, but the money inside the circle is for God, and whatever lands : outside the circle is for me." : The Rabbi smiled and said "Well, I've perfected both your methods. I just : throw the money up in the air. Whatever God wants, he takes, whatever : falls is for me!" : (Chorkle) : Q: Why did the Jews roam the desert for 40 yrs? : A: One of them lost a quarter! : (Grin) : Q: Did you hear about the new German microwave? : A: It seats 12. : (very bad I know...) : Q: Why do Jews have such big noses? : A: Because air is free. : (snicker) Q: How do you make copper wire? A: You give a penny to two jews. : ,,, : (0 0) : +----oOO----(_)-----------+ : | <<< Me >>> | : | lollipop@cml.com | : | Toronto - Canada | : +------------------oOO----+ : |__|__| : || || : ooO Ooo : --- : * WR # 481 * Some days you're a bug, other days a windshield. What's the best thing about fucking an eight year old girl? Turning her over and pretending she is an eight year old boy. God and Gabriel are sitting in heaven looking down on the wonders of creation when God says "Gabby, I'm going to create a country called 'Scotland'. It's going to have majestic purple mountains, crystal clear waters, lush green glens, fertile lowlands where a crop called barley will grow from which an amber coloured nectar called Whisky can be made, beautiful women ... ". "Hold on, hold on", says Gabby, "aren't you being a little overgenerous to these Scots?" "Naah", says God, "just wait 'till you see the neighbours they're getting" The Scots always support two teams in any world class event - Scotland and whoever is playing against England. Drive through Gretna Green and you'll always see people having their photo taken by the "Welcome to Scotland" sign ... never by the "Welcome to England" sign. The English - despised throughout the entire world! ---------------------------------------------------------- I have principles. If you don't like them, I have others. * * * * * *** / * \ * / * * \ * * / /\ /\ \ * * * * * * /\/\ /\ /\/\ / * Merry * \ ** XMAS ** /\ ********** /\ /\ And Happy /\ ** \ New Year / ** ///////////\\\\\\\\\\\ /\ ** /\ /\ English: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Polish: Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia i Szczesliwego Nowego Roku Lithuanian: Linksmu sventu Kaledu ir Laimingu Nauju Metu Latvian: Priecigus Ziemas Svetkus un Laimigu Jauno Gadu Estonian: Roomsaid Joulu Phui ja Uut Aastat Finnish: Hyvaa Joulua ja Onnellista Uutta Voutta Hungarian: Boldog Karacsonyl es Ujevl Unnepeket Russian: Pozdrevlyayu sprazdnikom Rozhdestva Khristova is Novim Godom Ukrainian: Veselykh Svyat i scaslivoho Novoho Roku Bulgarian: Tchestito Rojdestvo Hristovo. Tchestita Nova Godina Czech: Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce a stastny Novy Rok Slovak: Vesele Vianoce. A stastlivy Novy Rok Serb-Croatian: Sretam Bozic. Vesela Nova Godina Slovene: Vesele Bozicne. Screcno Novo Leto Gaelic-Irish: Nolag mhaith Dhuit Agus Bliain Nua Fe Mhaise Gaelic-Scot: Nollaig Chridheil agus Bliadhna Mhath Ur Welsh: Nadolic Llawen. Blwyddn Newdd Dda Spanish: Feliz Navidad y prospero Ano Nuevo Italian: Buon Natalie e felice Capo d'Anno Azeri-Azerbaijan: Tezze Iliniz Yahsi Olsun Romanian: Sarbatori Fericite. La Multi Ani French: Joyeux Noel et heureuse Anne Portuguese: Feliz Natal e propero Ano Novo German: Frhliche Weihnachten und ein glckliches neues Jahr Dutch: Zalig Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar Swedish: Glad jul och ett gott Nytt ar Norse-Danish: Gledlig jul og godt Nytt Aar Icelandic: Gledlig jol og Nyar Basque: Zorionstsu ENguberri. Zoriontsu Berri Urte Greek: Kala Khristougena kai Eftikhes to Neon Etos Turkish: Yeni Yilnizi Kutar, saadetler dilerim Singhalese (Sri Lanka): Subha nath thalak Vewa. Subha Aluth Awrudhak Vewa Hebrew: Mo'adim Lesimkha Armenian: Shenoraavor Nor Dari yev Pari Gaghand Rapa-Nui (Easter Island): Mata-Ki-Te-Rangi. Te-Pito-O-Te-Henua Korean: Sung Tan Chuk Ha Chinese-Cantonese: Gun Tso Sun Tan'Gung Haw Sun Chinese-Mandarin: Kung Ho Hsin Hsi. Ching Chi Shen Tan Japanese: Shinnen omedeto. Kurisumasu Omedeto Indonesian: Selamah Tahun Baru Tagalog (Filipino): Maligayamg Pasko. Masaganang Bagong Taon Samoan: La Maunia Le Kilisimasi Ma Le Tausaga Fou Urdu: Christmas aur khoushgawar naya sal Mubarak hou Hawaiian: Mele Kalikimake me ka Hauloi Makahiki hou And of course in Klingonese: "" but Klingons aren't Merry men and have no such phrase :-) This Is My Rifle; This Is My Gun, Dept. --------------------------------------- We are faced with dire emergency! Many men are walking around with penises! Most of these penises are loaded and a good number will shoot automatically! What is to keep these men bearing short-arms from raping innocent women or even children? Nothing! Even while you are reading this message, somewhere in our nation an innocent woman (or a child) is being raped with a deadly assault penis! Penises must be outlawed, or at least registered. Laws must be passed making it a felony to venture out in public with a concealed penis. A federal agency must be set up to deal with cases where penises are carried (or mailed) across state lines! A mandetory sentence of twenty years hard labor must be meted out for any crime involving a penis. Some misguided or just plain mean-spirited people have claimed that "Penises don't rape people, people rape people." They are just racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, penis-nuts. President Bill Clinton has said, "There is no reason to own them!" Ban the penis! Save the children! DISCLAIMER: The above claim, idiotic as it may sound, is no sillier, is no more illogical than any arguement for "gun control" of any kind! BTW When penises are outlawed, only outlaws will have penises! They can take my penis when they pry my cold dead fing...err...umm _=__________________________- / //// (____) RsaGUN______ | |_////_________________(____| )/ o /) / )/ (/ /)__\_)) (/ /) (/ /) (/_ o _/) The 1994 Budget Debate The Country was in such a terrible state when the parties all sat for a budget debate. It was a few minutes before Mandela spoke then he said " sex will cost you a dollar a poke " Whether you're short, long, tiny or thick the tax will be paid for the use of your prick. Jay Naidoo said " now Nelson my dear, will the tax apply to boys who are queer "? Slovo arose and looked rather glum " will I be taxed for the use of my bum "? Mandela replied and sounded quite airy " The tax will double for you, you old fairy ". Then Terblanche arose to a thunderous applause he grabbed Winnie Mandela and ripped off her draws. He straddled across her and rode her at will then he shouted at Nelson " put that on my bill." The debate carried on an oh what a sight Sam Ramsammy was wanking throughout the whole night. The speaker then said " Let the voters decide but I think they will settle for a dollar a ride. " So now in the bedrooms of the country at night there's many a fanny that's closed good and tight. We're taxed on our income and taxed on our smoking but we didn't expect to be taxed on our poking. If a dollar a screw is the price we must pay The answer is this : with ourselves we must play. To quench our frustration we now have to wank for the state of our Country we have Mandela to thank. The Author of this poem is Unknown.... [Don't you think that this is the type of poetry that we should study in school, instead of all that boring old English shit!] H0p U en0yed t |-) THE NEW SOUTH AFRICAN DICTIONARY A survivors guide to New South African English. Arwa - As in "arwa dee-maands" Beck - Not front Beds - Mossies, Doves ect Ben - To set alight Cut - A Small Donkey-drawn Vehicle Doe - A hinged device for closing a hole in a wall. Feather - As in Cape Town is Feather away than Durban Errors - Districts i.e. ebbon errors Get - A hinged device in a fence Gaddin - Where you grow Kabbi-jess Hair - As opposed to him hiss - Masculine form of hairs I`m so heppi - I have just voted Itch - As in " itch and Aviary" Kah - What you Drive in Kennel - Army officer Kipper - e.g. Goal Kipper Kettle - Cows Len - To Acquire Knowledge Mick - Those who inerit the eth Pee Pull - Die Mense Phlegm - The bening tip of a Kandal Piss - Symbollised by white doves Sheep - Big Boat ship - Provider of wool So Then - Pertains to the south - eg. So Then Africa Spitch - What polititions make at a relly. Suffa Ring - As in " the pee pull ah suffa ring" Teksi - Kah for hire Tocks - Negotiations Tipic ally - Charictoristic We Men - Ladies Wepon - A Gun Weaned - An Ill one blows nobody ant good Weaner - Takes All Wekkas - Do the Wek Weds - What you find in a book Weld - The eth ... ----> If you cut here, you'll ruin your monitor. <---- Qualifying Examination Instructions: Read each question carefully. Answer all ques- tions. Time Limit - 4 hours. Begin immediately. 1. History Describe the history of the papacy from its origins to the present day, concentrating especially, but not exclusively, on its social, political, economic, religious, and philo- sophical impact on Europe, Asia, America, and Africa. Be brief, concise, and specific. 2. Medicine You have been provided with a razor blade, a piece of gauze, and a bottle of Scotch. Remove your appendix. Do not suture until your work has been inspected. You have fifteen minutes. 3. Public Speaking 2,500 riot-crazed aborigines are storming the classroom. Calm them. You may use any ancient language except Latin or Greek. 4. Biology Create life. Estimate the differences in subsequent human culture if this form of life had developed 500 million years earlier, with special attention to its probable effect on the English parliamentary system. Prove your thesis. 5. Music Write a piano concerto. Orchestrate and perform it with flute and drum. You will find a piano under your seat. 6. Psychology Based on your degree of knowledge of their works, evaluate the emotional stability, degree of adjustment, and repressed frustrations of each of the following: Alexander of Aphrodi- sias, Rameses II, Gregory of Nicea, Hammurabi. Support your evaluations with quotations from each man's work, making appropriate references. It is not necessary to translate. 7. Sociology Estimate the sociological problems which might accompany the end of the world. Construct an experiment to test your theory. 8. Management Science Define Management. Define Science. How do they relate? Why? Create a generalized algorithm to optimize all managerial decisions. Assuming an 1130 CPU supporting 50 terminals, each terminal to activate your algorithm; design the commun- ications interface and all necessary control programs. 9. Engineering The disassembled parts of a high-powered rifle have been placed in a box on your desk. You will also find an instruc- tion manual, printed in Swahili. In ten minutes a hungry Bengal tiger will be admitted to the room. Take whatever action you feel is appropraite. Be prepared to justify your decision. 10. Economics Develop a realistic plan for refinancing the national debt. Trace the possible effects of your plan in the following areas: Cubism, the Donatist controversy, the wave theory of light. Outline a method for preventing these effects. Criti- cize this method from all possible points of view. Point out the deficiencies in your point of view, as demonstrated in your answer to the last question. 11. Political Science There is a red telephone on the desk beside you. Start World War III. Report at length on its socio-political effects, if any. 12. Epistemology Take a position for or against truth. Prove the validity of your position. 13. Physics Explain the nature of matter. Include in your answer an evaluation of the impact of the development of mathematics on science. 14. Modern Physics: Disprove Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Construct an experiment to prove your position. 15. Philosophy Sketch the development of human thought; estimate its signi- ficance. Compare with the development of any other kind of thought. 16. Foreign Affairs: It has recently been suggested (especially after Black Monday) that only a foreign war can restore America's lost national con- sensus. Propose the ideal opponent(s) for the US in such a war, and how the conflict might be engineered so that US would seem not to be the ag- ressor in the situation. Discuss the pros and cons. 17. Art: Explain Mona Lisa's smile. 18. Juris Prudence: In Part 2 of Shakespeare's "Henry VI", Jack Cade, the leader of the populist revolt, proposes that the first order of business following a successful coup d'e'tat could be to "kill all the lawyers". In light of the present populist mood in the United States, assess the utility and any potential impact of such a policy today. 19. Religion: Assuming the Judeo-Christian moral structure, take the stand for Adam and Eve, and the eating of the forbidden fruit. Explain your position fully to a Chassidic Rabbi, and answer his arguments. An Angl- ican bishop will moderate this debate. 20. General Knowledge Describe in detail. Be objective and specific. Extra Credit Define the Universe; give three examples. A man was travelling the world and heard about an old apache indian chief with a remarkable memory. So he decided to check him out. When he met him, he started to ask many questions about the past, and found out that this chiefs memory was astounding. He could remember infinite details. The traveller then decided to catch the chief outWhat did you have for breakfast on your tenth birthday?The chief thought long and hard and finally answered "Eggs". Astounded the traveller left. Years went by and the traveler caught up with the Indian chief again. He decided to greet him in the old Apache Indian way."How!!" he said and raised his right hand in the air. The apache indian Replied "Scrammbled!" Principles of Murphy's law for the Engineer =========================================== 1. Nature always sides with the hidden flaw. 2. It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious. 3. Specified environmental conditions will always be exceeded. 4. Interchangeable parts won't. 5. Any wire or tube out to length will be too short. 6. Identical units tested under identical conditions will not be identical in the field. 7. Availability of a part is inversely proportional to the need for the part. 8. Tolerances will accumulate unidirectional toward maximum difficulty of assembly. 9. Hermetic seals will leak. 10. After an instrument has been fully assembled, extra parts will be found on the bench. 11. Any safety factor set as a result of practical experience will always be exceeded. 12. Components that must not and cannot be assembled improperly, will be. 13. The probability of a dimension being omitted from a drawing is directly proportional to its improtance. 14. Any error that can creep in, will. It will be in the direction that will do the most damage. 15. All constants are variable. 16. In a complex calculation, one factor from the numerator will always move into the denominator. 17. In any given calculation, the figure that is most obviously correct will be the source of error. 18. The most logical way to assemble components will be the wrong way. 19. In any given miscalculation, the fault will never be placed if more than one person is involved. 20. The more innocouos a design change appears, the further its influence will extend. 21. Dimensions will always be expressed in the least usable terms. 22. The necessity for making a major design change increases as the job nears completion. How to be Annoying online 1) Make up fake acronyms. Online veterans like to use abbreviations like IMHO (in my humble opinion) or ROTFL (rolling on the floor laughing) to show that they're "hip" to the lingo. Make up your own that don't stand for anything e.g. SETO, BARL, C3PO, use them liberally, and then refuse to explain what they stand for. ("You don't know? RTFM.") 2) WRITE MESSAGES IN ALL CAPS AND DON'T USE RETURNS SO THAT EVERYONE HAS TO SCROLL ACROSS THEIR SCREENS TO READ EVERY LINE. ALSO USE A LOT OF !!!!!!!!! TO SHOW THAT YOU'RE EXCITED ABOUT BEING HERE!!!! 3) When replying to your mail, correct everyone's grammar and spelling and point out their typos, but don't otherwise respond to the content of their messages. When they respond testily about your "creative criticism," do it again. Continue until they go away. 4) Software and files offered online are often compressed so that it won't take so long to travel over the phone lines. Buy a compression program that compresses everything you send, including one-word email responses like "Thanks." 5) Upload text files with Bible passages about sin or guilt and give them names like "SexyHousewives1", then see how many people download it. Challenge your friends to come up with the most popular come-on. 6) cc: all your mail to Al Gore (vice-president@whitehouse.gov) so that he can keep track of what's happening on the net. 7) Join a discussion group, and tie whatever's being discussed back to an unrelated central theme. For instance, if you're in a discussion of gun control, respond to every message with the observation that those genetically superior tomatoes seem to have played an important role. Within days, all discussion of gun control will have ceased as people write you threatening messages and instruct others to ignore you. Limerick of the week! ********************* There was a young man from Belgrave Who kept a dead whore in a cave. He said "I admit I'm bit of a *hit, But think of the money I save" *********************** Experience is the thing that teaches you to recognise a mistake when you've made it again. *********************** The reason lighting doesn't strike twice in the same place is because the same place isn't there the second time around. *********************** My girlfriend's such a bimbo. I bought her a book on oral sex and she ate it....... *********************** Marriage is not a word : It is a sentence. *********************** There is nothing wrong with sobriety in moderation. *********************** The best way to fight a woman is with your hat. Grab it and run. *********************** If you drink, don't drive. Don't even try to putt. *********************** A thought for the downtrodden: Even a kick in the ass is a step forward... *********************** A buddhist saying: "Ashes don't return to wood". *********************** My wife asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I told her I wanted a jersey the same colour as my eyes. "Don't be dumb", said my wife. "They don't make them in bloodshot". *********************** If you're looking for a helping hand, you'll find it at the end of your arm. *********************** Did you hear about the two gay sailors? They gave each other a tug for Christmas. *********************** Not long after the election, Eugene Terre'blanche pays a courtesy call on Nelson Mandela. After the usual pleasantries, the AWB leader gets straight to the point: "Mr President, I'm a changed man and I want to apologise for being such a racist asshole in the past. In fact, to prove that my heart's in the right place, I'd like to ask a special favour of you." "Name it," replies the magnamimouse Mandela. "When I die," says Terre'blanche, " I want you to gather a thousand blacks and have them toyi-toyi all over my grave". Nelson looks suprised and says: "Are you sure that's what you want?" "Absolutely," says Eugene. "In fact, if you can get 10000 that'll be even better". "Ok," says Mandela. "And where do you plan to be buried?" "At Sea." ************************** Dating is tiresome because it involves having to listen to irrelevencies about his/her interests, work, family, hopes, fears and pithy philosophies about life. ************************** Any fool can be diligent, but it takes dedication to be really slack. ************************** Love is the fart of every heart; It pains a man when 'tis kept close; And others doth offend, when 'tis let loose. ... Best file compression around! "DEL *.*" - 100% comp. I was about to open a jar of Mayonaise when I saw a seal stuck onto the lid with the following words on it, "Sealed for your Protection". At first I was very shocked that I was so close to opening such a dangerous jar, and at the same time thankful that someone had the foresight of putting a warning label on it. Later my shock turned to anger as I realized that such a dangerous substance should never have been for sale as food in the first place. I had an idea, and started looking for similar labels on other food substances. Even more shocked I found a total of 5 labels on various other containers for "food". My question is this, why are these dangerous substances "sealed for our protection", but still for sale? I shudder to think of the hundreds of people who have died because of this negligence. And why don't we hear of any fatalaties due to these dangerous substances? Have I uncovered a major plot? Has this been kept silent for so long? 6 6 6 in ASCII is an ACKnowledge ACKnowledge ACKnowledge command. 6 6 6 is to Acknowledge a buy, to acknowledge a sell, and to acknowledge travel. A triple acknowledge transaction by computers predicted in the bible. 666= sum of ASCII codes for "BILLGATES" + 3 which is ASCII `End of Text', meaning the beginning of the Graphics User Interface with Windows for PC's using an Icon which is the image of the beast. I CON you not. I bet the anti-windows people out there will have a ball with this one. :) There was an older gentleman, let's call him Steve, who decided to return to college to pursue a degree. Not being sure of what he wanted to take, he begin to look around campus at all the different colleges. He saw the college of Physics, the college of Sociology, the college of Psychology and the college of Assuming. Having never heard of a college of Assuming, Steve was puzzled. While he stood there pondering what it was about, the Dean of the college happened by and inquired if he could help. Steve replied, "I've never heard of the college of Assuming. What is it?" "Well, I'm the Dean of the college. Here in the College of Assuming, we take Assumption to a new art form." said the Dean. "I still don't understand." replied Steve. "Let's try this. "Can I assume you have a dog?" asked the Dean. "Why yes, I do have a dog." replied Steve. "And can I assume that you have a back yard for your dog to play in?" inquired the Dean. "Why yes, I do have a back yard for my dog." said Steve. "Ok, and can I further assume that because you have a back yard you also have a house." said the Dean. "Why yes, I do have a house." said Steve beginning to be amazed. "Now, because you have a house and a dog, and a back yard, can I then assume that you have a wife." said the Dean flatly. "That's amazing! Yes, I do have a wife." said Steve. "Then because you have a wife, can I assume you are not gay?" inquired the Dean. "Why no, I'm not gay." replied Steve. "There you see," stated the Dean. "From the simple fact of assuming you had a dog, I was able to assume you had a house with a back yard, a wife, and you are not gay." Clearly amazed, Steve enrolled in the class of assumptions. One day, about three weeks later while waiting for class to start, Steve saw a very puzzled man in the halls. Wanting to try his new skills and be of assistance, Steve approached the man. "Can I help you?" inquired Steve. "Why yes." replied the man. "What is the college of Assuming?" Delighted, Steve replied. "The College of Assuming takes Assumption to a new art form." "I'm still not sure I understand." replied the man. "Well let me give you an example." said Steve. "Do you own a dog?" asked Steve. "Well no." replied the man. Steve quickly stepped back and said, "You fag!" Two idiots went into a movie theater to see a horse race film. The first idiot said to his companion, "I'll bet you $5 that No. 2 will win the race." The second idiot agreed to the bet, and the horse won After the movie, the first idiot said, "I have a confession to make. I saw the movie yesterday." The other idiot replied, "So did I, but I didn't think he would win twice in a row." .... Did you hear about the computer salesman with two red ears who went to the doctors office? The doctor asked him what had happened to his ear. "I was ironing a shirt and the phone rang," answered the salesman "But instead of picking up the phone I picked up the iron and stuck it to my ear." "Wow," the doctor exclaimed in disbelief. "But then, what happened to your other ear?" The salesman replied, "Whoever it was called back." .... Two older men sat on a bench in the park. One said, "I hear that eating raw oysters puts lead in your pencil." The other man said, "I don't like raw oysters, and to tell the truth, I don't have any women to write to!" .... A Scotsman won the lottery....yet had a very long face. When asked why, he replied, "Aye, it grieves me to think of the money I wasted on the second ticket." .... A married couple trying to live up to a snobbish life-style went to a party. The conversation turned to Mozart. "Absolutely brilliant, magnificent, a genius!" The woman, wanting to join in the conversation, remarked casually, "Ah, Mozart. You're so right. I love him. Only this morning I saw him getting on the No. 5 bus going to Coney Island." There was a sudden hush, and everyone looked at her. Her husband was mortified. He pulled her away and whispered, "We're leaving right now. Get your coat and let's get our of here." As they drove home, he kept muttering to himself. Finally his wife turned to him. "You're angry about something." "Oh really?" You noticed?" he sneered. "I've never been so embarrassed in my life! You saw Mozart take the No. 5 bus to Coney Island? You idiot! Don't you know the No. 5 bus doesn't go to Coney Island?" I still think that this Pentium Flaw may be the best thing that has ever happened to Intel. And why it may have been done on purpose. Read why below: With the problems in the PowerPC taking off as the Troika had originally hoped, Intel's problem is now the x86 cloners. If Intel replaces all the damaged Pentiums, it will cost them a lot -- perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars. This seems like a lot but one, Intel can afford it, and two, this more importantly raises the stakes in the clone game. For if ANY of those clone microprocessors don't work because of subtle bugs people find 6, 12, 18 monthes after they are introduced, then THEY too will undoubtably have to be replaced by these upstart microprocessor clone companies. And it is not clear that they can afford to do so. Or if they do, it could easily mortally wound them since they have to insure 100% software compatability in order to be salable to consumers and break open the market for their new designs. Of course it goes with out saying that 100% perfection in building microprocessor clones is hard to begin with and impossible in practice in the current super-competitive microprocessor industry. These new clone processors simply HAVE to have bugs. No doubt about it. I could go into great depth about all this if I want, but I am sure that people who follow the microprocessor scene closely know all the generalities of what I am saying. Any usenet people who want to expand on these ideas are welcome too and I don't really think that I am the first to think of them. The point is that six months from now, all this will have blown over, Intel will have replaced some or most or all of the Pentiums and then the costs of the microprocessor business will have been raised! Now Intel will hold this high-minded replacement that they did and bash in over the heads morally microprocessor company that goofs up its clone chips. These other companies lack the financial resources and reputational resources that Intel has. Now all of them face a small but real chance of a total disaster for them. Much worse to them if they goof than what Intel has to face. So in the long term, Intel will have a stronger position in the market. It has "gained" another element to the cost structure of the microprocessor industry and furthermore this new element is MUCH in their favor and gives them back their competitive advantage. "Intel Inside" will now mean chip replacement policy (of some sorts) where as having another microprocessor means something along the lines of "Cavet Emptor" with regard to replacement. DISCLAIMER: The above represents serious (but cursory) business analysis. The below assigns conspiratorial motive and is done so only for the purposes of ENTERTAINMENT. Needless to say, if any of the below were in anyway true, it would be a gross violation of many legal and moral principles. (For instance the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.) So MAYBE, just maybe, Uncle Andy snuck in late one night with the "plummers" two years ago after the design was finished but before production had occured led by a camio reapperance of G. Gordon Liddy, and made a few "adjustments" to the design. If you think about it, the facts all fit together! It had all been planned in advance several years ago. Intel knew that they could get away with this (ONCE!) if nobody ever found out. Tell everybody that they goofed, pay for the clean up. And then demand that all the other microprocessor companies follow the same proceedure. Then sit back, wait for somebody else to goof, and then watch the customer demands for chip replacement and the damage to the clone companies reputation for producing a working clone chip wreck that particular cone chip company and bankrupt it. And everything had been planned from the very first day! After all they did discover the bug, just before they went to super-high volume production. So there aren't "too" many flawed chips. Just a few million; this sounds like a lot, but Intel will probably produce near 100 million Pentiums before the turn of the century -- just pentiums not even P6's so only a small number of chips are flawed. And everything as I have written above will end up working out in Intel's favor maybe not this year but in the long run! Also, Bill Gates was one of the people in on the secret from the beggining. This just sort of should be clear. If not axiomatic to observers of the computer scene. -- Disclaimer: This is of course unfounded speculation on my part. I have no evidence that Intel or its employees did such a thing or would do so. Furthermore, it should be noted also that I have a substinative vested financial interest in Intel and its success. -- FUN, JOKES AND LAUGHTER Waiter, Waiter, this coffee tastes like mud! - I'm not surprised, sir, it was ground only a few minutes ago. <<<<<>>>>> A very rich old man was critically ill. With death eminent he summoned his three golfing partners, a priest, a doctor and a banker. He told each of his impending death and that he has worked very hard for his wealth and had decided to take it all with him. He was not going to leave it to his ungrateful family to be squandered. The rich man told his friends that he needed their help to accomplish this task. He would give each of them one third of his fortune and as he was being laid to rest they were to toss the money in the grave to be buried with him. After the funeral the three survivors were discussing the beautiful service and how they would miss their good friend. Suddenly the priest said he had a confession to make. He was from a very poor church and that the poor box was empty and their wasn't enough money for the poor. He reluctantly admitted that he had kept a few dollars to help a few really needy parishioners. The doctor then, feeling guilty himself, admitted he was working on some extremely important research for which there wasn't enough funds so he had kept out a few dollars feeling that his friend wouldn't mind since it was for a good cause. The banker looked at his friends in total amazement, surely you didn't let our friend down by not following his last request? To which they responded, surely you kept some of the money for a special purpose. CERTAINLY NOT, responded the banker. I threw in a check for the full amount. <<<<<>>>>> Q: How many Dylan fans does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind. he answer is blowin' in the wind. <<<<<>>>>> Let the new South Africa Roll!!!! ;-)) Another New SA Dictionary The New South Africa will have 11 official languages. Here is a list of some words that will appear in the New South African Dictionary. DEBATE De stuff dat catch de fish DEFENCE De wire around de house DEFEAT De tings you walk on DETAIL De ting dat hangs on de back of de donkey DELAY De woman dat sleeps around DIVORCE De stuff dat de boer se braai DETAIN De place where flowers grow DEFINE De money you pay when you break de law DERIDE De ting you get from delay DESPISE De man who peeps through de window DEPART De piece of something you broke DESTROY De ting with which you drink de Coca Cola DENY De ting you get from delay DEFER De ting dat covers de cat DEFECT De honest to goodness truth DECEASE De word for de big stink DESTINCT De ting that make decease DE BUG De ting dat bites DELIGHT De ting dat shines DELUXE De soap dat you wash with DEFUNCT I tink it goes with delay and deny DEPENDS De tings you use to cook de food DEGREES De stuff you put in your car DETERIORATE Something to do with interest from de bank TOY-TOY Affirmative aerobics LOOTING Affirmative shopping BURGLARY Redistribution of wealth CHANTING Affirmative voice choir UNREST Affirmative war games BRICK Affirmative credit card Name changes: Johannesburg..............EGOLI Port Elizabeth............EWINDI Kimberley.................EHOLI <<<<<>>>>> Who was the first Irish on earth?????????? McAdam! :-) <<<<<>>>>> Waiter, Waiter, how long have you been here? - Six months, sir. Ah, then, it can't be you who took my order. <<<<<>>>>> Seen in the latest issue of "The Antidote", the F-Prot News Letter. By author Terry Davidson. THE GOVERMENT OF NATIONAL UNITY VIRUS: Your PC locks, the screen splits erratically with each side blaming the other. THE VAN ZYL SLABBERT VIRUS: It would make a great virus, but it won't run. THE JAN SMUTS AIRPORT VIRUS: You're in Johannesburg, but your data is in Singapore. THE SPRINGBOK CRICKET VIRUS: Makes your 486 work like a 286. INKATA VIRUS: If feels threatened by other files and erases them in selfdefence. THE MINIBUS TAXI VIRUS: It navigates your disk at a great speed alternately eliminating or compressing files at random. Said to be able to squeeze 5Mb into 5Kb. <<<<<>>>>> Q: How many accountants does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: What kind of answer did you have in mind? A: None-just assume it's changed. <<<<<>>>>> Q: What is the difference between a pregnant woman and a light bulb? A: You can unscrew a light bulb. <<<<<>>>>> Q: How many Iraqis does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: It doesn't matter, they don't have any electricity anymore. <<<<<>>>>> Greetings! Here's a great little "article" or joke that I picked up in the Computing section of the Sunday Times' Metro. Because OCR is still a myth, I found myself quickly re-typing the article, and while I'm at it I might as well post this one... Now that Microsoft has announced that Chicago (Windows 4.0) will be called Windows '95 when it is released at the end of this year, many users are wondering about the name. Here is a countdown of the eleven most popular reasons for the choice: 11. The percentage chance that it will be completed on the shipping date. 10. The number of floppies it will ship on. 9. The percentage of people who will have to upgrade their hardware. 8. The number of megabytes of hard disk space required to install it. 7. The number of pages in the EASY-INSTALL section of the manual. 6. The percentage of existing Windows programs that won't run in the new operating system. 5. The number of minutes it will take to install. 4. The number of calls to tech support before you can get it to run. 3. The number of people who will actually PAY for the upgrade. 2. The number of MHz required for the operating system to run. And now, the Number 1 reason people think the 95 in Windows '95 really stands for... 1. The year it was DUE to ship - a reference to Microsoft's notorious tardiness. And here's #12: The amount of die-hard DOS users who will finally be convinced to move over to the Windoze camp. Q. What are the 3 advantages of having Amnesia? A. 1) You don't know you're sick 2) You can wrap your own presents and they're still a surprise 3) You meet new friends every day I know the poor guy is dead, but I found this quite funny, I know I shouldn't hhave, but I did Q. What was last thing that went through Ayrton Senna's mind? A. A concrete Wall Q. What was the last thing that went through the fly's mind when it hit the car windscreen? A. It's a*se! Q. What do Ayrton Senna & Michael Jackson have in commom ???? A. They both have blood around their heads ...... Q. What's the difference between Ayrton Senna & Maradonna ???? A. Maradonna can take corners !!!! Q. How did Senna hit the concrete wall? A. Dead centre! Knock knock. "Who's there?" "Senna" "Senna who?" "Senna nother driver. This one's dead. A F.U.N.N.Y. Guy Did Sharon Stone Michael on sex? It's a Sunday in the year 2008. The world's parachutists have converged on Blikkiesfontein for the international championships. The crowd waits in excitement and in a festival mood until the first plane flies over, dropping its marker (or whatever it is called) to test the wind direction and speed. The second plane flies over and a parachutist drops out. His parachute fails to open. His emergency parachute also refuses to respond. [This, BTW, is known in parachuting circles as "jumping to a conclusion".] The second parachutist jumps out but his chute also fails to respond and also his emergency parachute. It's a tragic day as several parachutists from that plane meet the same fate. Van Tonder turns to Koos van der Merwe and asks: "What die bleksem gaan hier aan?" Koos: "Ag man, Piet. Don't you know that NOTHING opens on Sunday in Blikkiesfontein. A man walking across the street was almost run down by a car driven by a woman--the car overflowing with children. The red light was against the woman, and the man who had almost been hit walked over to the ancient bus and said, "Lady, don't you know when to stop?" Glancing back at the many children in the car, she said icily, "They aren't all mine." TROJAN CONDOM COMPANY LTD. P.O.Box 69, Sandton, 2169, South Africa 8249 Slippery Rod Drive, Sandton, South Africa Tel. (011) 869-9000 Fax. (011) 869-6969 Attention: Tel: Fax: Application to model our product Dear Sir We regret to inform you that we have rejected your application to model and represent our TROJAN CONDOM range. Although your general physical appearance is not displeasing, our Board of Directors feel that you wearing our product in the advertisement does not portray the positive, romantic image of our product. A loose, baggy condom is not considered romantic. We appreciate your interest and thank you for your time, especially the detailed measurement list that you so kindly provided. In answer to your question regarding size, we do intend manufacturing a "small boys" size and we will send you a sample for your evaluation. In the meantime, we will retain your application on our files should we need a model once our "small boys" size is in production. We send our regards and deepest sympathy to your wife, girlfriend or both. Yours Sincerely Ivor Biggun Trojan Condom Company Limited P.S. Don't forget our slogans: "COVER YOUR STUMP BEFORE YOU HUMP" "DON'T BE SILLY - PROTECT YOUR WILLY" "NEVER DECK HER WITH AN UNWRAPPED PECKER" "BEFORE YOU ATTACK HER - WRAP YOUR WACKER" "IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SACK IT - GO HOME AND WACK IT" ... Practice safe Hex ... wear a write-protect tab! There was this eighty-year-old man who was seeing the doctor for a checkup. The doctor asked why he needed the checkup. The man was getting married next month to a girl 60 years his junior. The doctor tried to talk him out of the marriage, and it didn't work. However, the doctor suggested, "If you want your marriage to last, I say you at least take in a boarder." The old man agreed. The old man didn't see the doctor for a year, when they met at a fund-raiser. The old man says, "Doc, congratulate me, my wife is pregnant." "That's good news," said the doctor. "I knew the boarder would help." "Oh," said the old man with a wicked grin, "and the boarder's pregnant as well." =-=-=- A man comes to a Soviet emigre doctor because of sore throat. The doctor tells him to pull down his pants and to swing his genitals in the window. "What does this have to do with my throat?" "Nothing, I just hate the neighbors." =-=-=- A Soviet emigre surgeon tells a patient: "The operation will cost three thousand dollars, but we can save a little by not sharpening the knife." =-=-=- One Soviet emigre surgeon asks another: "How did the operation go?" "It was a success until we dropped the patient off the table." Indignant prisoner: "I want to know why I have been brought in here!" Sergeant: "You were brought into the police station for drinking." Prisoner: "All right then, let's get started!" WET DREAM by Kip Addotta It was April the 41st, being a quadruple leap year. I was driving in downtown Atlantis. My barracuda was in the shop so I was in a rented stingray and it was overheating, so I pulled into a shell station. They said I'd blown a seal. I said, "Fix the damn thing and leave my private life out of it, Okay pal." While they were doing that, I walked over to a place called the oyster bar, a real dive, but I knew the owner, he used to play for the Dolphins. I said, "Hi Gill!" (You have to yell, he's hard of herring.) Gill was also down on his luck. Fact is, he was barely keeping his head below water. I bellied up to the sand bar. He poured me the usual, rusty snails, hold the grunion, shaken, not stirred, with a peanut butter and jellyfish sandwich on the side, heavy on the Mako. I slipped him a fin, on porpoise. I was feeling good. I even dropped a sand dollar in the box for Jerry's Squids, for the halibut. Well, the place was crowded. We were packed in like sardines. They were all there to listen to the big band sounds of Tommy Dorsal. What sole! Tommy was rocking the place with a very popular tuna, Salmon chanted evening, and the stage was surrounded by screaming groupers, probably there to see the bass player. One on them was this cute little yellow tail, and she was giving me the eye, so I figured this was my chance for a little fun, you know, piece of pisces. But she said things I just couldn't fathom, she was too deep. Seemed to be under a lot of pressure. Boy could she drink, she drank like a... she drank a lot! I said, "What's your sign?" She said, "Aquarium." I said, "Great, lets get tanked!" I invited her up to my place for a little midnight bait. I said, "Come on baby, it'll only take a few minnows." She threw me that same old line, "Not tonight, I got a haddock." And she wasn't kidding either cause in came the biggest, meanest looking haddock I've ever seen come down the pike. He was covered with mussels. He came over to me and said, "Listen shrimp, don't you come crawling around here." What a crab! This guy was steamed. I could see the anchor in his eyes. I turned to him and said, "Abalone. You're just being shellfish." Well, I knew there was going to be trouble and so did Gill because he was already on the phone to the cods. The haddock hits me with a sucker punch. I catch him with a left hook. He eels over. It was a fluke, but there he was, lying on the deck, flat as a mackerel, kelpless. I said, "Forget the cods Gill, this guy's gonna need a sturgeon. Well, the yellow tail was impressed with the way I landed her boyfriend. She came over to me and she said, "Hey big boy, you're really a game fish, what's your name?" I said, "Marlin." Well, from then on we had a whale of a time. I took her to dinner. I took her to dance. I bought her a bouquet of flounders, and then I went home with her. But what did I get for my troubles? A case of the clams. HOW TO HANDLE STRESS Drive to work in reverse Braid the hair in each nostril Dance naked in front of your pets Pay you electricity bill in one cent coins Tattoo "Out to Lunch" on your forehead Go to a fun fair and pop every passers-by's balloon Find out what a frog in a blender looks like Forget Weight Watchers and send yourself a candygrain Make a list of "Things to Do" that you have already done Remove all the beers from a company fridge and start a party Make up a language and ask people in the street for directoins When somebody says "Have a nice day" tell them that you have other plans Leaf through National Geographics and draw panties on all the natives Jam 29 tiny marshmallows up your nostril and try to sneeze them out Go shopping for clothes, buy everything, sweat in it, return it next day Start a nasty rumour and see if you recognise it when it comes back to you Stare at people through the holes in a fork and pretend they are in jail Send you doctor a bill for the hours you spent in his waiting room Lie on your back eating celery, using your naval as a salt dipper Read a dictionary upside down and look for secret messages Pop some popcorn without putting the lid on Fill in your tax returns in Roman numerals Use your Mastercard to pay your Visacard Polish your car with earwax OLX 2.1 TD Pedestrian: Someone who found a place to park... Hi there, Found this in the local newspaper the other day: Medical Speak: Vein conceited Artery the study of paintings Bacteria back door of a cafeteria Barium what doctors do when a patient dies Bowel a letter like a, e, i, o or u Caeserian Section a neighborhood in Rome Cat scan searching for kitty Cauterise make eye contact with her D&C where Washington is Dilate to live long Enema not a friend Hangnail coat hook Impotent distinguished, well known Labour pain getting hurt at work Medical staff a doctor's cane Morbid a higher offer Nitrates cheaper than day rates Node was aware of Outpatient a person who fainted Pap smear a fatherhood test Postoperative a letter carrier Recovery room a place to do upholstery Rectum damn near killed him Seizure Roman emperor Tablet a small table Terminal illness getting sick at the airport Tumor more than one Urine opposite of you're out Varicose nearby ... You can have my modem when you pry it from my cold dead fingers! Nelson M is walking along a street, when he spots a strange bottle. He picks up the bottle and gives it a rub. Suddenly a cloud of smoke comes out of the bottle - in the middle of this a genie appears. Genie : "You have released the spirit of the bottle. I will grant you 3 wishes. What is your first wish?" Nelson : "I want the biggest limo built with all the luxuries included" Puff .. and an enormous white Cadillac appears with every accessory you can think of. Genie : "And your second wish?" Nelson : "I want the biggest mansion built with all the luxuries included" Puff .. and an enormous mansion appears. Genie : "And for your last wish?" Nelson : (after a few minutes of thinking) "I want to be white". Puff, and in an enormous cloud of smoke both the Caddy and the mansion disappear. Nelson : "Hey, what happened to the car and the house?" Genie : "Sorry pal, you are white now and you have to work for those." Comrade Nelson, he looked out On the slums of Cape Town Where the murk lay round about Deep, and thick, and dark brown Dimly shone the moon that night For the smog was cruel When a fellow came in sight Siphoning Nelson's fuel "Tell me comrade, what is this What the hell's he doing Fiddling with my motor-car My petrol cap unscrewing" "Comrade, he's a homeless chap Lives up in the forest Sniffs on turpentine and glue But reckons petrol is the best" "Comrade, bring me turpentine, Comrade, bring me glue Fetch me down a jug of wine And some varnish, too" "If he wants to get him high Let us be of help here Let him drink a mix of this And blow his head into next year....." Happy New Year, comrades.... Subj: The Weekly Mail Quiz In case you don't get this week's paper, here's the W Mail quiz to keep you busy this festive season. Weekly Mail & Guardian quiz --------------------------- Do you read the Weekly Mail & Guardian often enough? Write down your responses, avoiding the temptation to check them against the answers printed below. 1. What magazine did Nelson Mandela edit this year? 2. How many cars were stolen from the Independent Electoral Commission? How many were written off? And how many cellular phones were reported stolen from them? 3. The person who ran the IEC department that failed to deliver ballot papers to voters has gone to which higher office? 4. What Zulu staple food does King Goodwill Zwelithini not eat? 5. Which cabinet minister boasts of his passion for cooking with rose petals? 6. Which cabinet minister would like to spend more time riding motorbikes? 7. Which far-rightwinger gave Free State Premier Terror Lekota a box of chocolates on his birthday? 8. Who, with the first names John Wayne, emerged to unexpected fame this year? 9. In which province did the ANC get the highest percentage of votes? 10. What proportion of the ANC's votes came from black voters? 11. What proportion of the National Party's vote came from coloured voters? 12. Which former Miss South Africa was an election candidate? 13. And which two former Springbok rugby captains were named as election candidates? 14. The ANC gave its highest award, the Isithwalandwe/Seaparankoe, to Joe Slovo. How many whites have received this award in the past? 15. How many cellular phone users are there in South Africa? 16. How much is each ANC MP obliged to give to the organisation from his or her monthly salary? 17. What is the name of the prince manhandled by Mangosuthu Buthelezi in an on-air SABC studio? 18. Which Catholic priest defied an order not to stand for parliament? 19. Which party had a candidate on its lists called Vasco da Gama? 20. Which party had on its list a man once sentenced to death in Ireland for killing his girlfriend? 21. Who broke the nose of Johannesburg culture supremo Christopher Till? 22. What was British MP Stephen Milligan wearing when found dead in his kitchen? 23. In what field does the South African editor of Hustler magazine have a doctorate? 24. Which two parties won the lowest votes in the national election? 25. Which South African magazine refused political advertisements aimed at women voters? 26. How old did Barbie turn this year? 27. How much did South Africa contribute to Southern Africa's 1993 GDP of $139,1-bn? 28. Dr Nthato Motlana's New Africa Investments has assets of R100-million, R400-million or R800-million? 29. What was the name of the Italian mani pulite (clean hands) campaign magistrate who resigned out of frustration in early December? 30. Who was Schoemaker-Levy 9? 31. Who were the two African presidents killed in a rocket attack on a single airplane this year? 32. Which country this year voted to stay out of the European Union, and which two voted to go in? 33. What is the name of the Nigerian, currently in prison, believed to have won last year's election? 34. Who is the only Nigerian military leader to have stepped down from power in favour of a civilian government? 35. Who is the youngest South African premier? 36. How many of the 30 current cabinet ministers have served time in prison? 37. How many of the nine premiers have never served time in prison? 38. On what street, named after a computer error, does Apple Computer's famous research centre in Silicon Valley reside? 39. Which former convict was re-elected mayor of Washington? 40. What is the capital of Chechnya, centre of attention for Russian tanks and planes in recent weeks? 41. Which of South Africa's official languages has been omitted from this list: Afrikaans, English, isi-Ndebele, Sesotho sa Leboa, Se-sotho, siSwati, Xitsonga, Set-swana, isiXhosa and isiZulu? 42. How many one-day matches has the South African cricket team won and lost so far this year (up to December 22)? 43. How many presidential projects are driving the reconstruction and development programme? 44. How much does South African Airways estimate it will cost to paint its fleet in the new national colours? 45. What were Ernie Els' winnings this year? 46. What is the extent of United States aid that Mandela described as "peanuts"? 47. Who once used a pair of pliers to pull a trout fishing hook out of the finger of NP negotiator Roelf Meyer, saying: "If you've never trusted an ANC person before, you'd better get ready to do so now"? 48. How many colours are there on the South African flag? 49. How many houses did the ANC undertake to build in the next five years? And how many houses did it promise to electrify before 2000? 50. Who said: a) To black businessmen: "We don't want your votes. We want your wisdom." b) "I like to think I transfix voters with my big blue eyes." c) "God is our most powerful weapon, our spiritual atomic bomb." d) "I have no question in my mind that we will win three provinces, except Natal." e) "It's an uhuru election." f) "If you think of Trevor Manuel as the future minister of finance, you can understand why the Egyptians worshipped cockroaches." 51. From what language is Gauteng derived? 52. Which province has the lowest disposable income per head? 53. How many children are enrolled at South African schools: five million, 10-million or 15-million? 54. Who claims to be the most famous white woman in South Africa? 55. Joe Slovo declared to parliament that he had received the gift of a large cigar. From whom? 56. How many other MPs failed to declare this gift? 57. Who ghost-wrote Mandela's autobiography? 58. Which rugby player bit off more than he could chew? 59. Who was the recipient of the punch that led to James Small's eviction from the national rugby team? How to rate your score Under 10: You are in urgent need of a subscription to a good newspaper. What about the Weekly Mail & Guardian? Under 30: You read widely, and forget most of it. 31 to 50: You read far too much trivia. Concentrate on the important stuff. 51 to 59: You are almost certainly cheating. Have you considered a job in the government? ANSWERS 1. He was guest editor of the January edition of French Vogue. 2. 99 cars stolen, 31 written off, 155 phones stolen. 3. Director-general of Home Affairs 4. Beef. 5. Energy Affairs Minister Pik Botha. 6. Trade and Industry Minister Trevor Manuel. 7. Eddie von Maltitz. 8. John Wayne Bobbit. 9. Northern Transvaal: 91 percent. 10. Ninety-four percent, estimated. 11. Thirty percent, estimated. 12. Michelle Bruce, for the DP. 13. Dawie de Villiers and Naas Botha (who later withdrew). 14. Of 17 previous recipients, three were white. 15. Some 190 000 contracts have been signed. 16. R750. 17. Prince Sifiso Zulu. 18. Father Smangaliso Mkatshwa. 19. The NP. 20. The NP. 21. Lorna Ferguson, director of the Africus Biennale. 22. Women's stockings. 23. Theology. 24. The Luso-South Africa Party got 3 293 votes and the Workers' List Party managed 4 169 votes. 25. Fair Lady. 26. Thirty-five. 27. $112-billion. 28. R764,2-million. 29. Antonio Di Pietro. 30. The comet that hit Jupiter in July. 31. Cyprian Ntaryamina of Burundi and Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda. 32. Norwegians said no; Finns and Swedes said yes. 33. Moshood Abiola. 34. General Abasanji. 35. Northern Cape Premier Manne Dipico, age 35 36. Five. 37. Four. 41. Tshivenda. 43. Twenty-two. 44. R200-million. 45. $2,8-million. 46. $543 679 000 over three years. 47. ANC negotiator Cyril Ramaphosa. 48. Six: black, gold, green, blue, red and white. 49. One million and 2,5-million. 50. a) Gauteng Premier Tokyo Sexwale. b) NP candidate Sheila Camerer. c) Conservative Party leader Ferdi Hartzenberg. d) Pan Africanist Congress secretary general !Khoisan X. e) DP leader Zach de Beer. f) DP candidate Robin Carlisle. 51. None, and all. It is an invented amalgam. 52. Northern Transvaal; at R2 112, it is 13 percent of Gauteng's figure. 53. Ten million. 54. Evita Bezuidenhout. 55. The < I>Weekly Mail & Guardian. 56. All 489 others (possibly because they are only obliged to declare gifts worth more than R100). 57. Richard Stengel. 58. Johan le Roux. 59. Ian McLeod, Springbok wave-skiier. In heaven, there are two gates for married men: The gate for married men that say that they are the boss, and; the gate for married men who admit that their wife is the boss. Saint Peter was strolling near the two gates one afternoon. In front of the gate for married men who admit that their wife is the boss, was a big long line. In front of the gate for men who say the they are the boss was one fellow, standing all by himself. "Say Buddy, what are you doing over by THAT gate?" inquired Saint Peter. "Well, Saint Peter, I'm really not sure," replied the man "but this is where my wife told me to stand." ObHack: For a Halloween party, we wanted special effects with rain, thunder & lightning. We made a continuous loop tape and recorded a sounds effects tape with rain & thunder on one channel. We then played the tape backwards, and pulsed a pink noise generator onto the other channel at random times following each thunderclap (thus recording the sound .5 to 4 seconds *before* the thunder). For playback at the party, we ran the audio of rain & thunder through an amp to some large speakers, and ran the other channel through a triac and a relay to control about 2kw of floodlights in the backyard. Sure enough, when we played it, there was a satisfying burst of bright light showing through the window right before each thunderclap. It was *very* convincing! How would you recognise adam and eve if you went to heaven? They would be the only ones without bellybuttons.......... There were once two turtles traveling along on seperate roads which led to the same intersection. Neither one was paying attention to what he was doing and there was a huge collision at the intersection. One turtle was flipped upside down and in great pain so an ambulance was called along with a police officer. When the officer arrived, he asked the injured turtle how the accident had happened. "I don't know," said the turtle."I wasn't really paying attention." Upon asking the other turtle, the officer was given the same reply. "That's great," complained the officer. "How am I going to fill out my police report?" Just then he saw a snail on the other side of the road. "Hey, Snail, did you happen to see the accident between the two turtles?" "I sure did," said the snail> "Great, how did it happen?" asked the officer. "I dunno," replied the snail.."It happened so fast!" Bill and Hillary were chatting, and Bill was musing about his recent success at the polls. "You know Hillary," he said, "if this were a Kingdom, I would be a King, and if this were Sheikdom, I would be a Sheik. If we had an Empire I would be an Emperor......" "I know honey," Hillary replied, "but this is a country and that's why I'm in charge." A young man enters a rare, esoteric abbey. This abbey has the unusual requirement that each monk was allowed only 2 words each 20 years. After his first 20 years, the abbot calls him in and asks what are the 2 words he would like to utter for this 20 years. "Cold food", says the monk. After his second 20 years the old abbot calls the monk in and asks what are the 2 words he would like to utter for his second 20 years. "Hard bed" the monk says. After his third 20 years the ancient abbot calls the monk in and asks what will be his 2 words for this passed 20 years. "I quit!" says the monk. "I'm not suprised", says the abbot, "you've been complaining for 60 years!" Subj: Collecting Mail For The Coming Anti-Christ Dear "dsk999@arts.usask.ca (D. Kabatoff)" Please take a deep breath, put on those comfortable sackcloth shorts, rub your fingers on that oh so silky Corinthian leather bound Bible, and then take the teeny-weeny blue and pink pill that the nice doctors at the nice hospital so nicely prescribed for you. In the event that wasn't persuasive for you...perhaps another tack would work. Did you know that the CIA is monitoring all posts on the Internet and that they have a super-sacred, super-secret Satan snooper device? That's right, "D", they'll be able to find you and take you away in the middle of the night (they drive invisible Satanic spaceships)...so, protect yourself, **turn off your modem forever** and resort to collecting the AntiChrist's written mail, OK? "My brother's favorite nursing case was the bozo who tried the shotgun in the mouth trick. He blew his face off up to the eyebrows and survived with no face and blind. The blindness wasn't the hassle you'd expect, since at least he didn't have to shave anymore." -- Nadja Adolf How do you keep a woman screaming for 10 minutes after she's had an orgasm? Wipe your dick on her curtains!! *That's right up there with why wouldn't Kennedy make a good boxer?* He couldn't take a shot to the head!!!! > *What about this one?* < Jesus was standing in the middle of the road in front of an angry, frightened mob getting ready to stone him. Jesus says " Let the ones among you without sins cast the first stone." WHAM!! A rock comes flying out of the crowd. "Thanks, Ma, you always were a bitch." >> Two friends are in a bar moaning about how ugly their women are. The >first guy says his wife is uglier. The second says come with me and I'll show >you my wife. The 2 guys head out and get to the 2nd one's house. The guy opens >the cellar door and says" Honey could you come up here?" She says "Should I put >the bag over my head?" And he says "No, I don't want to fuck you, just show you to someone." This guy in a bar orders a shot of 100 proof, gulps it down, looks in his shirt pocket and orders another. Again, down it goes and he peeks into his shirt pocket again. After the fith or sixth time the bartender finally has to ask... "What is in that pocket??", He replied: It's a picture of my wife. When she starts looking good, I can go home! I am an American citizen, born and raised here, and I'll be the first to admit that we have got to be the biggest bunch of swaggering obnoxious bastards that has ever graced the face of the Earth. Look at our lawyers, look at our television programs. Jesus Christ! have you seen the pilot for the American version of Red Dwarf!?! It makes me want to cry. Can't fancy any other place I'd like to live though, except maybe England. Or Germany. Maybe Japan... but every country has it's problems. Look at England: it's right next to France. That's a strike against it right there. I mean, you at least have a small body of water seperating the two, but then they go and build a tunnel under it to bring them closer together. The real-estate values have probably plummeted already just from proximity. But America has it's upsides: Only in America can you sue $3 million out of McDonalds for not putting a warning label on their cups of hot coffee. Our "Justice" system is mind-boggling. Get this: if you booby-trap your home, even with *warning signs*, and a misguided burgler breaks into your house and injures himself, he can legally sue you and will WIN. How many peace-time nations can boast more hand-gun deaths per year than some countries at war? something like 22,000 a few years ago, and growing steadily since. If we took all the money spent thus far on PUBLICITY alone for the whole O.J. thing, how many starving children could we feed? wanna hear something scary? We have all the bombs! That's right, the Cold War is over and the Red Menace has been dismantled for the most part. The next largest Superpower looks to be China, and while they could boast a huge army manpower-wise, they have not the funding or technology to fund them properly. So here we stand, arguably one of the most violent societies of the Western World, and we hold all the Nukes. Makes ya cringe don't it? this has grown into quite a tirade for a.t.j but I just thought maybe (in a delusionary way) that by saying "Yes I am an American, and we do suck, but so do the rest of you so shut up" maybe, just maybe, this seemingly endless flamewar can finally end as everyone involved feels stupid and shuts up. (Yeah, and maybe I'm a Japanese jet pilot...) Thinnest Books: - Marital Solutions by O.J. Simpson - The Sober Moments of Ted Kennedy (the companion "Blind Drunken Stupors of Ted Kennedy" comes in a 6-volume set, very thick!) - Love Songs & Poetry of the Third Reich by A. Hitler - Italian Victories of WWII - The Acting Career of Brian Bosworth (and printed on the back is:) - The Professional Football Career of Brian Bosworth - Thin Book: Naughty Shakespeare Sonnets Q: Hear of the Challenger Model Kit? A: 1,000,000 pieces, no assembly required. Q: What were Sally Ride's last words? A: "What's this lever for?" Q: How do you get 100 babies into a Volkswagen Beetle? A: Moulinex! Q: What is red, green and slimy and crawls up a woman's leg? A: A homesick abortion Q: How many cops does it take to arrest a mexican? A: twenty-one. One to cuff the mexican, and twenty to carry the oranges! Q: Why are Puerto Ricans stronger than Mexicans? A: They have to swim farther. Q: What do you call a Blonde standing on her head? A: A brunette with bad breath! Q: What's the best thing about raping a cat? A: Hearing the pelvis crack! Q: How many rednecks does it take to cange a lightbulb ? A: 20..... 1 to screw it in 17 to start a barroom brawl about it and 2 to write a country song about it Q: How does a faggot fake an orgasm? A: By spitting on his partner's back. Q: What do you call a fag with a chipped tooth? A: A meat grinder!!! An eskimo drops his Ski-Doo off at a garage and asks the mechanic to take a look at it, while he goes out to lunch. The eskimo returns from lunch an hour later and the mechanic says, "looks like you blew a seal". The eskimo says, (wiping his mouth), "nahh just a little mayo.". Gee, that's a really nice sweater/sweatshirt/T-Shirt. I don't suppose I could talk you out of it? (The smirk at the end of the delivery is key). To find out how serious a "boyfriend" is and still come off as funny: You: "So where is he now?" She: "California/another party/right over there" You: "California? Might as well be on the moon." If she laughs, you still may have a chance. And by the way, you would be suprised how many women will laugh and respond, "Yeah, your right." If she doesn't laugh too much, well you got your answer with little effort. Move on. Did you here that the sequel to the film "Cocoon" is to be called NiNigger? A blind man with a seeing eye dog walk into the department store. The man grabs the dog by the tail and swings the dog over his head several times, then sets the dog down. The store manager asks if the man needs assistance. The blind man replies "No thanks, I'm just looking around" There beeze these two girls sittin' on the porch eatin' watermelon one hot summer day. First one sez: "Whew, It sho is hot today!". Second one sez "Yeah, and these flies is all around my watermelon" First one sez: "I thinks I'll go inside 'n takes my panties off and see if 'n that ain't a bit cooler". After #1 returns, #2 asks, "Well is that any cooler?". #1 replys "Not much, but the flies ain't botherin' my watermelon no mo!" Man - A Chemical Analysis ______________________________________________________ Element: : Man Symbol : Ah (short for Asshole) Quantitative : Accepted at 7 inches though some isotopes can : be as short as 4 inches. Discoverer : Eve (discovered by accident one day when she had a craving for ribs) Occurrence : Found following duel element Wo, often in high concentration near a perfect Wo specimen. Physical properties : a) Surface often covered with hair; bristly in some areas, soft in others. b) Boils when inconvenienced, freezes when faced with Logic and Common Sense, melts if treated like a God. c) Obnoxious when mixed with C*H*-OH (any alcohol). d) Can cause headaches and severe body aches; handle with extreme caution. e) Tends to fall into very low energy state directly after reaction with Wo (Snore... zzzzz). f) Gains considerable mass as specimen ages, loses reactive nature. g) Specimens can be found in various states ranging from deeply sensitive to extremely thick. h) Rarely found in pure form after 14th year. i) Often damaged as a direct result of unlucky reaction with polluted form of the Wo common ore. j) When pressure is applied, becomes stiff and unyielding; yields only when subtlety, subterfuge, flattery are applied Chemical properties : a) All forms desire reaction with Wo, even when no further reaction is possible. b) May react with several Wo isotopes in short period under extremely favorable conditions. c) Most powerful embittering and aggravating agent known to Wo. d) Usually willing to react with whatever is available. e) Reaction Rates range from aborted/non-existent to pre-interaction effects (which tend to turn the specimen bright red. f) Reaction styles vary from extremely slow, calm and wet to violent/bloody. g) When saturated with alcohols, will be fairly inert and will repel most other elements. h) Is repelled by most household appliances and common household cleansers. i) Is repelled by small children clothed in diapers, particularly those of the malodorous variety. j) Is neutral to common courtesy and fairness. Storage : a) Best results apparently near 18 for high reaction rate, 25-35 for favorable reaction style. Uses : a) Heavy boxes, top shelves, long walks late at night, free dinners for Wo... b) Can be used in recreational activities. Tests : a) Pure specimen will rarely reveal purity, while reacted specimens broadcast information on many wavelengths. Caution : a) Tends to react extremely violently when other Man interferes with reaction to a particular Wo specimen. Otherwise very maleable under correct conditions.