Geographic profiling amongst Africans


It may come as something of a surprise to many Africans to discover 
that all Africans look the same to non-Africans.

How, then, do you tell a Nigerian from a Kenyan, for example, and 
I'm not talking about passports or clothing? Well, the easiest way, 
of course, is the name:

For example, "Ogunkoye" can only be a Nigerian and "Njoroge" is Kenyan.

And where do the Dunns come from? They are certainly from Liberia or 
Sierra Leone.

Surely, everybody knows that the most loud and cocky ones are the West 
Africans, the brooding and the sly ones are the North and South Africans
respectively, the East Africans always say "yes" - even if they disagree
with you violently. To be more specific, the Cameroonians will borrow 
money from you to buy Champagne whilst the Ghanaians think they invented
politics. The Congolese think they have the best music and the best 
dancers, the Nigerians have a thing about clothes, and the Ethiopians 
believe they have the most beautiful women on God's Earth. Moroccans 
actually think they're French, and so do the Burkinabes.

Algerians, on the other hand, hate the French, Sierra Leonians simply 
smile profusely, and Liberians can't get over America. All East and 
South African countries have the same national anthem, but the South 
Africans sing it the best. The South Africans have no hair, while the 
Zambians, Ugandans and Kenyans have prominent foreheads. 

The West Africans have short memories and never learn from their 
mistakes - the concept of order and discipline must have been invented 
in East Africa. Those words don't exist in West Africa, especially in 
Nigeria. When a cabinet minister is "caught with his hands in the till,"
he commits suicide in Southern Africa, in West Africa he's promoted 
after the next coup d'etat.

In athletics, the divisions are quite simple: from 800m to the marathon 
the East Africans hold sway, the West Africans are only good at sprints,
and South Africans can only sing.
But when it comes to football (soccer), the North and West Africans 
dominate the lesser-skilled East and South Africans.

So - now you know!


[Contributed by Tom Kikonyogo]

"Africans either had to accept inferiority or fight against it by
 violence. We chose the latter."
- Nelson Mandela