The Pope dies and goes to heaven...


The Pope dies and goes to heaven.

St. Peter meets him at the Pearly Gates and asks his name.

"I'm the Pope!" John Paul II says, more than a little surprised.

"Pope? Pope... Pope..." St. Peter mumbles. "I'm sorry," he 
continues, "but I don't have anyone by that name in my books."

"But... but I'm God's representative on Earth!"

"God has a representative on Earth?" St. Peter replies confused,
"That's odd, he's never told me anything about that."

The Pope gets a little furious, "I'm the head of the Catholic Church!"

"Catholic Church? Sorry, never heard of them. But I'll tell you what:
Wait here, and I'll go talk to the boss."

St. Peter goes inside and asks God, "Listen, there's some guy at the
front door who's claiming to be your representative on Earth. His name 
is 'Pope'. Does it mean anything to you?"

"Naaah," answers God, "I know nothing of this. Let me call Junior.

Jesus comes running, "Yo, Dad, what's up?"

God and St. Peter explain the situation.

"Just a moment," Jesus replies "I've got to see this one for myself."

About ten minutes later Jesus returns, tears of laughter in his eyes.
"I can't believe this! Do you guys remember that little fishing club I 
started up about 2000 years ago? It's still around!"


[Contributed by Thomas K. and translated by HMVH]

Satanism: The perfect religion - screw up & you go to heaven.